Church Abuse///3 Fine Movies

Sad to say but there are always going to be "abusive" Christian churches - shocking you might be thinking. Do churches abuse? Yes indeed SOME do!!

You will be amazed just how far out some "church" organizations and leaders of those groups can and will go, to abuse and control those that come within their fellowship.

Ronald Enroth did years of research before he compiled his book "Churches that Abuse" and published it in 1992. What he found in some church organizations, what he found from people he interviewed who had been a part of such organizagtions, will BLOW you away!!

If you are at all "Christian" religiously minded, you need to go to my Website ( and read Enroth's book. Then you will also find on my Website the story of my late friend Jesse and her experience in a church organization that was abusive. You will also find helps to either get out of or nor enter such churches that abuse.


1. The Green Zone - Matt Damon - the historical story of one USA army man who went into Iraq supposedly to find "weapons of mass destruction."  He found nothing but false information being fed to him and his men. It shows in clear facts that the so-called facts given by Bush and Blair to declare war on Iraq, were as far out as Pluto is from earth. The supposedly inside facts from the "spy-eye-in-the-sky" to ground whatever facts from wherever, were nothing but pie in the sky wish-full thinking so the USA and Briatin could declare war on Iraq. A movie you need to have in your "history" movie library.

2. When Love Is Not Enough - another true factual movie.  The Lois Wilson Story. On the back cover it says: "Is based on the true story of the sorely-tested but ultimately enduring love between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon, and her husband Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholic Anonymous. Together Lois and Bill Watson started movements that have helped millions of people around the world. Together, they've given the world a noble and inspiring love story."

Yes, it is inspiring. What people can do when it needs to be done is proof of the strength of the human heart and mind. A movie again that should be in your historic library.

3. Robin Hood - the latest version with Russel Crowe and Cate Blanchett.  The back cover say: "In an age of oppression and shameless tyranny, an outlaw becomes the unlikely hero that saves a nation and inspires generations to fight for freedom."

Ah yes it is a super adventure story different in many ways from the past Robin Hood movies. I do enjoy such movies based on some history but maybe not exactly as it was. It's the "little guy becoming the hero guy" that inspires others to stand up for right over wrong. Entertaining it is indeed.

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