As the World Turns

60 MINUTES had a segment on Brazil, a country we hear not much about. It's in a boom! 5th largest world economy. Sky-scraper buildings all over the place. It's the world largest cattle producing industry. The GDP is larger than all the other South American countries put together. The last year it has had a 7 percent growth. The country is just about the size of the USA. And for its size it is the "greenest" economy in the world. Brazil has everything that the booming power of China needs. It has the 3rd largest airplane manufacturing industry in the world. The outgoing President of Brazil had a grade 4 education, but in his 8 year term he's done wonders for his country. He's brought Brazil to a world power. Stiff banking rules, so they were not effected by the Wall Street fall-out guys and the recession they caused. He's helped the poor  - created jobs. He's hand-picked the next President - a gal this time around. Oh yes, Brazil does have slums, a 3rd world slum areas and 90 percent of the roads are not paved. The preparations for the 2014 World Cup soccer are behind production, but that's 4 years away. Brazil has discovered they have deep sea oil off its shores, which could put them in the 3rd or 4th world production of the black stuff. Brazil has no nuclear bomb, and not much of a fighting force, they have not had a war since the middle of the 19th century.
So look out for Brazil to make itself an economic force and be an important player on the world's stage of economics in the years ahead.

Sweden had its first terrorist bomber - blew himself up - killed no one but himself, but could have been terrible if his plan had be executed with more precision.

A MASSIVE snow storm hit the USA and the snow-belt of Canada in lower Ontario,  people had to be rescued and housed by friendly towns and neighbors - dozens of cars and big-rigs had to be abandoned, the worst snow-storm for a few decades, even going down into Florida.

COTTON - well it's going up in price through the roof, and so is other things like nylon. They say we could see a large price increase for clothing. The biggest producers of cotton are:  1st China; 2nd India; 3rd USA.

Japan - the Yen going up and up - which makes their goods less competitive on the world scene. So they are not out of the deep woods of a troubled economy.

Mexico - huge troubles with the drug cartel - violence and killings are growing and growing.

The two fastest growing economies in the world - China and India, are meeting to see how they can grow even faster from the trading between themselves. China is the winner so far, hence India would like to even the playing field some.

The unions in Europe are on the demonstration ride - protesting the cuts of many Europe countries. Some fear a double-dip recession could happen. Europe like the USA is still in deep economic troubles.

Speaking of the USA, the Canadian expert for CBC is saying that the USA could be close to going over the cliff with its large unemployment. 93% of its people say the country is out of control. 70% say action should be taken immediately. 65% agree that their needs to be tax increase and spending needs to be under control. The country is having to borrow more and more - the rich are keeping for now, their tax cuts. Money is  again being printed like no tomorrow. But when asked what should be cut - well people give a list of what NOT to cut - anything that would effect them in a personal way. So it's like being between a rock and a hard placed.

Yahoo - is cutting 600 jobs - the 4th cut in three years - has to cut down to compete. Soon the Internet will be run by just two or three - the survival of the fittest and the most powerful.

Folic Acid - the pill that does help pregnant women, but Canadian research is unsure of the benefit for the average person. It seems like anything, too much of a good thing can harm you.

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