Estrogen Dominance, Obesogens & Estrogen-Dominant Cancers

We’re swimming in a sea of estrogen.” Harry Eidenier, Jr., Ph.D. (respected mentor of mine, a brilliant scientist, researcher and bio-chemist)

Less than 10% of all estrogen-dominant cancers cases are thought to be related to genetic risk factors and 90% appear to be triggered by environmental factors and lifestyle factors. Although there are numerous reasons why women predominantly experience estrogen dominance (use of birth control, menopause, pregnancy, fertility treatments), millions of men, children and teenagers are increasingly affected by estrogen dominance due to the estrogen-mimicking residues a.k.a. obesogens from glyphosate, herbicides and pesticides used on food crops, hormone-injected factory-farmed animal protein, processed frankenfoods, chemicals in the environment, plastics, flame retardants, phthalates, parabens, personal care products, household products, and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Normal ranges for total estrogen levels in women vary considerably depending on her stage of life and fluctuate during a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Estrogen dominance can cause a wide range of symptoms including early puberty, feminization in men and boys, gynectomastia (man boobs), infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, thyroid imbalances, and estrogen dominant cancers such as breast and prostate cancer. It is estimated that every three minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. While the overwhelming majority of cases affect women,
breast cancer in men can also occur and is on the rise.

 Different Types of Breast Cancer

  • Hormone receptor (estrogen or progesterone receptor) positive – Approximately 75 percent of breast cancers are ER positive and grow in response to the hormone, estrogen. About 65% of these are also PR positive and grow in response to the hormone, progesterone.
  • HER2 positive cancer – 20-25 percent of breast cancers are HER2 positive – the cancer cells make too much of a protein known as HER2/neu. These breast cancers tend to be much more aggressive and fast-growing.
  • Triple negative is an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer. It is not positive to receptors for estrogen, progesterone, or HER2. Approximately 10-12 percent are known as “triple negative” because they lack estrogen and progesterone receptors and do not overexpress the HER2 protein. In loving memory, Julie Wright, forever in my heart.

This article focuses on estrogen dominance, strategies to support estrogen clearance, how to eliminate estrogen disruptors and tips to reduce risk of estrogen-sensitive cancers such as breast and prostate cancer.

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are known as obesogens. Obesogens mimic or alter the effects of hormones in the body and often target the estrogen receptors. Obesogens affect lipid homeostasis, increase fat storage, change metabolic set points, disrupt blood sugar and energy balance, intensify appetite and reduce satiety thereby triggering fat accumulation and obesity, and disrupt all other hormones. Remember, hormones do not act independently.

Xenoestrogens, a type of obesogen are environmental, man-made chemicals that have a chemical structure similar to estrogen that accumulate in fatty human tissue. The longer these foreign substances stay in the body the greater the opportunity they have to inflict damage. These chemicals cause damage to tissue that disrupt insulin sensitivity and glucose balance, accelerate aging, cause infertility, create brain dysfunction and disturb the weight regulating hormone, leptin. Besides disrupting body balance, these substances alter liver function, increase fat storage and toxic load intensifies (toxins are stored in fat cells). Research has found that obesogens can even alter your genes.

Environmental exposure to obesogens has a direct impact on the early onset of puberty. In 1900, puberty occurred at 16 to 17 years of age. Today onset of puberty can be age 10 or 11. For African Americans puberty onset occurs at 5 to 7 years of age!

Sources of Obesogens (Xenoestrogens)

    * Artificial scents/air fresheners * Additives, preservatives, processed frankenfoods
    * Household cleaners/detergents * Car exhaust, smoke and indoor toxins
    * Conventional, factory-farmed animal protein * Plastics, canned foods, plastic food wrap
    * Oral contraceptives, antiboitics, Rx drugs. * Paints, lacquers, perchloate, and solvents
    * Pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, GMOs * Styrofoam products. Flame retardants.
    * Plant estrogens (unfermented soy) * Personal care products

Estrogen in general tends to promote cell division, particularly in hormone-sensitive tissue (breast and uterine lining). Excess estrogens has been associated with health conditions such as breast and prostate cancer, liver damage, uterine and breast fibroids, and thyroid disorders.

High estrogen increases aromatase (an enzyme found in estrogen producing cells in the adrenal glands, ovaries, placenta, testicles, adipose or fat tissue and the brain) resulting. Aromatase is responsible for the aromatization of androgens into estrogens.

What Causes High Estrogen?

  • Environmental estrogens, such as those found in foods, specifically consuming the Standard American Diet (SAD) high in pasteurized dairy, carbs, wheat and grains, factory-farmed animal protein, processed unfermented soy products, and non-organic foods loaded with synthetic xenoestrogens, pesticides, antibiotics, glyphosate and GMOs
  • Adrenal insufficiency and chronic ongoing stress are major risk factors for autoimmune disorders, depression, heart disease, hypertension and cancer. Cortisol increases estrogen dominance. If cortisol demand is too high, pregnenolone will be shunted to produce cortisol at the expense of all other hormones. Adrenal insufficiency is the most common hormone imbalance in women and a common finding with increased estrogen (excess conversion of DHEA to estrogen).
  • Low protein intake, insufficient fat intake, low veggie intake and lack of fiber.
  • Age increases aromatase activity
  • Heavy metal toxicity (arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead, cobalt, aluminum & mercury)
  • Nutrient deficiencies, specifically iodine, selenium, vitamin D, zinc, vitamin A and other important nutrients
  • Prescription drugs. Diuretics, anti-depressants, anti-fungals, antibiotics, corticosteroids, hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptives, anabolic steroids, and liver activity drugs.
  • Excess alcohol consumption and marijuana increase blood sugar, triglycerides and estrogens.
  • Poor methylation. MTHFR defect and poor detoxification pathways 
  • Tampons that are bleached with chlorine may mimic the bad effects of estrogen also.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. Liver congestion caused by the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the products we put on our skin, the environment and the beverages we drink. Excess estrogen is generally removed by the liver. A healthy functioning live is essential for correcting estrogen dominance. According to Harvard physician, John R. Lee., M.D., “anything that impairs liver function or ties up the detoxifying function will result in excess estrogen levels.”
  • Those who have had their gallbladder removed tend to be estrogen dominant.
  • Environmental estrogens found in Plastics, PCBs, pesticides, parabens, soaps, emulsifiers, phthalates, pesticides, flame retardants, artificial fragrances and chemicals found in personal care and household cleaning products.
  • Research has detected the presence of parabens in 99% percent of breast cancer tissues. Parabens affect the body much like estrogen, which can lead to decreased muscle mass, extra body fat, gynectomastia, and estrogen-sensitive health problems.
  • Obesity. High estrogen is present in most obese individuals of all ages. Obesity in males = 25% body fat or greater. Obesity in females = 30% body fat of greater

Symptoms & Conditions of Too Much Estrogen

  • Carbohydrate intolerance, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes
  • Early menstruation cycles for young girls. Accelerated puberty.
  • Endometriosis. Fibrocystic breasts and uterine fibroids. Breast tenderness.
  • Irregular periods and heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Hormone-sensitive cancers (breast, prostate, uterine)
  • Feminization in men and boys. Gynectomastia. Aromatization. Excess fat and breast growth in men is a definitive indication of high estrogen in relation to their testosterone. The real problem is insulin resistance. Estrogen dominance in men contributes to hair loss, atherosclerosis, man boobs, prostate problems, reduced sperm counts, lowered libido, decreased testosterone and impotency.
  • Zinc deficiency, which is linked to prostate enlargement and lower levels of testosterone.
  • Insomnia
  • Digestive disorders. Gas and bloating. Abdominal swelling. Water retention.
  • Weight gain.
  • Iodine deficiency.
  • Chronic low-level inflammation that can be caused by diet, lifestyle habits, emotional or physical stress, reactions to Rx drugs, oral hygiene, underlying infections, and factors in your environment. Experts have determined that 70 percent of cancer patients suffer from chronic inflammation.
  • Estrogen can affect T4 to T3 conversion, thereby causing thyroid dysfunction and other hormone imbalances.
  • Infertility. Miscarriage.
  • Mood swings, anxiety, mental fogginess, fatigue and loss of concentration can all be symptoms of estrogen dominance and imbalanced hormones

Reduce Risk of Estrogen Dominant Cancers & Lower Estrogen Load

Diet: Thumbs UP Thumbs up

  • Cancer and other diseases thrive in an acidic environment. Consume anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, nutrient-rich REAL food and avoid immune-suppressing foods, processed carbs, unfermented soy, grains and sugar. 
  • If you eat meat, consume only grass-fed and free-range pasture-raised meats as much as possible versus conventional-raised, factory-farmed animal protein due to the abundance of synthetic xenohormones, pesticides, glyphosate, antibiotics and GMOs. Remember, you eat what the animal has been fed.
  • Phytonutrients are active compounds found in veggies, leafy greens and fruits that are particularly beneficial in cancer prevention and reducing estrogen load. Phytonutrients can lower the risk of cancer, the side effects of cancer treatments and reduce other health risks and problems.
  • Eat more cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, watercress, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. A study at the University of Michigan found that sulforaphane, an active compound found in broccoli sprouts helps eliminate breast cancer stem cells.
  • Increase fiber intake from non-starchy vegetables, leafy greens and freshly ground organic flax seeds to encourage reduction of the amount of circulating estrogen. Drink a green smoothie every day.
  • Drink only purified water and 2 to 3 cups of green tea every day. The EGCG in green tea helps suppress the gene that triggers the breast cancer.
  • Stabilize insulin, regulate and balance blood sugar to reduce circulating estrogens. Increase insulin-sensitivity as much as possible through diet and lifestyle choices.
  • A study published in the journal Annals of Oncology found that oleic acid found in avocados, oils such as almond, pecan, macadamia, cashew and extra virgin olive oil (10 tsp/day) inhibit activity levels of the Her-2/neu gene.
  • Beans and lentils. In a study of 90,000 women from the Harvard School of Public Health looking at the relationship between diet and cancer, it was found that those who ate 1-2 cups of beans or lentils each week were 24% less likely to develop breast cancer. It is believed that the nutrients, flavonols, found in beans and lentils inhibit cancer cell formation by boosting the immune system!
  • Implement these smart detox tips into your lifestyle that are safe enough to do every day! Detox periodically with the 10 Day Detox Program, a healthy detox that includes real food with plenty of veggies, leafy greens, healthy fats and ample protein to support estrogen clearance.
  • Read the entire list of ingredients on every single food item and personal care product that you purchase. You’ll be surprised at the number of toxic chemicals, colorings and artificial ingredients.
  • Include cancer-fighting spices and herbs, specifically curcumin
  • Include more foods rich in zinc: wild shellfish, organic pastured whole eggs, grass-fed meat, cherries, walnuts, pumpkin seeds

Diet: Thumbs DOWN Thumbs down

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Processed, unfermented and genetically-engineered soy products. For women with breast cancer or those with estrogen dominance, consuming processed, unfermented soy can be dangerous! A Sloan Kettering study claims that soy increases the growth of potentially deadly breast tumors and increases the expression of a gene associated with cancer growth.
  • Artificial sweeteners, fructose, sugars, processed salt, food additives, pesticides, GMOs, glyphosate, and preservatives. Trans fats, soybean oil and rancid vegetable oils, sugars, processed carbohydrates, sugar, grains, HFCS and corn increase blood glucose and insulin, which in turn increases visceral fat that triggers increased estrogen, hormone disruption, alter the microbiome and increased risk of disease.
  • Foods rich in copper (soy milk, tofu, soy-based protein powders, tempeh and grains)
  • Non-organic, factory-farmed, conventional CAFO meats, eggs and dairy products. Grains and wheat. GM and GE foods.
  • Excess iron levels, especially after age 50. Iron overload is a silent killer that can result in cognitive dysfunction, oxidative stress, glycation and cellular aging.
  • Overcooked foods and charred meats.
  • Sugar elevates estrogen in the body. Sugar is a food source for cancer. A study in the Journal Cancer Epidemiology found that carbohydrates (white flour, wheat flour, sugar, corn and HFCS) are linked to cancer. The study of more than 1,800 women reported that those who consumed 57% or more of their total energy intake from carbohydrates had a 220% higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Stop drinking beverages out of or storing food in plastic containers that contain chemicals such as BPA and phthalates. The estrogen-like compounds in the plastic can make their way into the foods and liquids. Switch to glass containers.

Lifestyle: Thumbs UP

  • If you’re pregnant, breastfeed your baby vs formula feeding. According to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, “women who breast-feed had a 59% lower risk of premenopausal breast cancer.”
  • Identify your unique nutrient deficiencies or excesses with annual lab work and a functional Blood Chemistry Analysis
  • Suggested urine test: 2/16 OH estrogen (this inexpensive test measures estrogen metabolites. A low 2/16 indicates a high risk of estrogen sensitive cancers
  • Test iron, TIBC and ferritin levels. Elevated iron (and other heavy metals) are silent killers and a potent pro-oxidant increases free radicals and risk of cancer.
  • Go braless occasionally. Bras restrict the flow of lymph. Monthly self-breast exams and breast massage
  • Improve your mood naturally. Anti-depressants raise aromatase and change brain plasticity. If taking an anti-depressant, consult with the prescribing physician for natural alternatives.
  • Campaign against pesticide use in schools and workplaces. Children are especially susceptible and vulnerable to the effects of xenoestrogens.
  • Get 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Unplug the Wi-fi before bed, turn off your cell phone and sleep in total darkness Light at night, especially blue light disrupts your natural circadian rhythm and lowers melatonin levels, which have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and other cancers.
  • Optimize liver function. The majority of liver healing occurs during restful sleep between the hours of 1am and 3am. A healthy liver is responsible for hormone balance and is essential for correcting estrogen dominance.
  • Switch out teflon cookware to stainless steel or ceramic. Teflon (PFOA) is an endocrine-disruptor and carcinogen. Here’s a simple test that will tell what type of stainless steel cookware to purchase. Take a magnet with you when you go shopping. The magnet should stick to the cookware. This indicates that the cookware has a low nickel content and will not leach nickel into the food. Nickel can be more toxic than mercury. Less expensive stainless contains metals that will leach into anything you cook in the cookware.
  • Spend time in a sauna once or twice per week. Detox periodically. Practice these smart and simple detox tips that are safe enough to do every day!
  • Get a natural dose of Vitamin D from sunlight without sunscreen: 10-30 minutes daily
  • Test for and rule out heavy metal body burdens, underlying viruses, mycotoxins, leaky gut and infections (Candida overgrowth, bacterial, fungal, yeast, parasites, SIBO and H. pylori)
  • Use natural cleaning products and natural pest control in your home and garden.
  • Take the appropriate lifestyle and dietary measures to naturally boost your immune system and eliminate immune suppressors.
  • The average woman puts 400-500 chemicals on her body every day. Only use naturally-based lotions, cosmetics, perfumes, personal care products, and toothpastes (fluoride-free). Whatever you spread on your skin is absorbed into your body with the possibility of causing serious health consequences and hormone imbalances.
  • If more than ten pounds overweight, lose some body fat. Follow the lifestyle principles in The Power of 4 and Fat Loss Revolution.
  • Be aware of noxious gases from copiers and printers, carpets, etc.
  • Computer monitors, iPads and cell phones emit high levels of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that have a negative impact on hormone balance and our nervous system.

Minimize exposure to…..

  • There are at least 300 known chemicals that studies have shown are linked to estrogen-dominant cancers. Plastics, BPA, phthalates, parabens and pesticides are the some of the most prevalent and damaging sources.
  • Nail polish (and removers), creams, lotions and cosmetics contain toxic chemicals and estrogenic ingredients such as parabens. Cheaper brands usually have more toxic ingredients.
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a widely used industrial chemical that has been directly linked to reproductive abnormalities and an increased risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes and heart disease.
  • Pesticide exposure. The molecular structure of some pesticides closely resembles that of estrogen. This means they may attach to receptor sites in your body. It’s a known fact that those with elevated levels of pesticides in their breast tissue have a greater breast cancer risk.
  • EMF exposure, dirty electricity and artificial light at night from computers, cell phones, iPads, television, etc.
  • Smoking, second-hand smoke and smoky environments
  • Fabric softeners: a source of petrochemicals 
  • Exposure to chlorine, fluoride and bromine, which displace iodine in the body.
  • Synthetic flea shampoos, flea collars and flea pesticides for your pets and homes

Move Your Body. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily and deep breathing exercises provide oxygen down to the cellular level. Women who exercise 3-5 times per week have a 37-60 percent reduced risk of breast cancer. Exercise lowers the amount of estrogen and dangerous estrogen metabolites.

Nutrient Support: Thumbs UP

  • Omega-3 fish oils. Supplement with high-quality brands that are free of toxic heavy metals, PCBs and other chemicals inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation. Research published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention showed that postmenopausal women who take fish oil supplements may lower their risk of the most common type of breast cancer (invasive ductal breast cancer) by 32 percent.
  • Vitamin D prevents and reduces risk of all cancers by 78 percent! Vitamin D suppresses growth of breast cancer by blocking and enhancing signals that inhibit cancer cell growth and by altering gene regulators of the cell cycle. A University of Birmingham study also found that vitamin D encourages healthy breast cell growth while making cells more resistant to toxins.
  • Probiotics to optimize and balance a healthy microbiome.
  • Folate (Methylfolate or Methylguard), which is necessary for detoxification and to metabolize estrogen.
  • Zinc aids in the prevention of cancer cell growth. Zinc is a precursor to testosterone and progesterone, which counters estrogen. Adequate zinc status encourages hormone balance. If you’re deficient in zinc, you’ll have a difficult time balancing hormones.
  • Turmeric/Curcumin a potent antioxidant that offers numerous health benefits among them the ability to destroy estrogen receptor positive cancer cells.
  • Resveratrol. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry demonstrated high antitumor and estrogenic activity of resveratrol. Researchers compared resveratrol to other phytoestrogens and found that it increased cancer-cell death more than any of the others.
  • Iodine/Iodide. Women with fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease and other estrogen dominant conditions tend to be deficient in iodine and often require more iodine than others do. Both the thyroid and breast have high concentrations of iodine.

Aromatase Inhibitors

Thumbs DOWN

  • Prescription drugs, OTC drugs and poor quality supplements. Get in the habit of reading the list of ingredients on your supplement labels. Avoid supplements containing soybean oil, corn, fillers, binders, colors & dyes, artificial sweeteners
  • Excessive iron through supplements, diet and cast iron cookware.
  • If taking birth control pills, hormone replacement or synthetic estrogens such as Premarin, educate yourself on what these drugs do to your body particularly the hormone system, your gut and microbiome and immune system. Provera has been linked to blood clots, fluid retention, acne, rashes, weight gain, depression, certain cancers and other disorders.
  • Anti-estrogen drugs such as Tamoxifen, a selective estrogen receptive modulator comes with a laundry list of side effects including blood clots, strokes, dizziness, hot flashes, sexual problems, stroke, cataracts, leg swelling, mood swings and vision problems according to The National Cancer Institute. Tamoxifen has also been linked to endometrial and uterine cancer. Research published in the journal, Cancer Research reports that tamoxifen increases risk of developing a second and far more dangerous type of breast cancer by an astounding 440 percent.

Estrogen dominance is complex health condition. There are countless factors that contribute to estrogen overload and cancer. By taking personal responsibility for your health and the lifestyle choices you make, you can reduce the risk of estrogen-dominant cancers and lifestyle diseases.

As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner, my philosophy is to identify the root cause of any underlying health issues, slowly "peel away the layers of the onion," and design a healing protocol and comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, experience vibrant health, balanced hormones, and look, think and feel better than ever for a lifetime. I consult with men and women around the world and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!

Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.

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