Osteopenia and Osteoporosis Risk Factors
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone density and a gradual change in the overall bone structure caused by a deficiency in calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals. Ten million Americans over age 50 have osteoporosis, which leads to a weakening of the skeleton causing fragile, brittle bones. The majority of your body's peak bone mass is built when you're a teenager.
Osteopenia is the thinning of bone mass (decreased bone density) and a risk factor for osteoporosis. Thirty-four million Americans have osteopenia.
Women tend to be afflicted with osteoporosis more often than men, especially postmenopausal women due to hormonal deficiencies particularly estrogen and testosterone. Estrogen, DHEA and progesterone are the three main sex hormones that influence bone health. Testosterone, parathyroid hormone, insulin and growth hormone are other hormones that play a role in bone metabolism.
Risk Factors that Influence Bone Health and Cause Bone Loss
- Antacids, antibiotics, steroids, cortisone, diuretics, statin drugs, antidepressants, OTC and Rx sleeping meds, synthetic thyroid medications (i.e. synthroid), anticoagulants and some anti-convulsions drugs. Fosamax, has been shown to increase the risk of ulcers and prevent the building of any new bone.
- Birth control pills not only cause bone loss, they cause vitamin B and folate deficiencies and contribute to estrogen dominance.
- Taking calcium supplements or the wrong type of calcium. When taken alone without complementary nutrients such as vitamins D and K and magnesium can have adverse effects such as calcium-building up in the coronary arteries. Taking calcium (with or without vitamin D) in amounts of 500 mg or more may actually increase your relative risk of heart attack by up to 27 percent, and may even increase your risk of stroke.
- Cheap, synthetic supplements containing fillers and binders
- An unbalanced diet with foods high in phytates (nuts, seeds, wheat, grains) and oxalates (sweet potatoes, walnuts, beets, spinach) that bind to calcium in your digestive tract and prevent calcium absorption. Steaming or boiling reduces oxalic acid in food.
- Decrease in weight and/or height since age 25
- Excessive alcohol – more than two drinks per day
- Diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroid, bulimia and anorexia accelerate bone loss.
- Exposure to phthalates and BPA
- Early menopause; late menarche; amenorrhea
- Consumption of processed foods, artificial sweeteners and soda. Eliminate sugar, processed soy, pasteurized dairy, gluten and wheat products. Just one 12oz soda has 36mg of phosphoric acid, which interferes with the metabolism of calcium. It also binds and chelates minerals from the body. Consuming just four sodas per week decreases hip bone mineral density in women. Every 36mg of phosphoric acid extracts 36mg of magnesium from the body.
- Eating protein by itself without fiber from non-starchy vegetables and fat
- Excessive caffeine intake. Drinking more than 2 cups of coffee or 5 cups of tea can leach minerals from your bones.
- Extended periods without food, dieting and extremely low calorie diets
- Fluoride (destroys collagen) and depleted your body of magnesium. The first city to introduce fluoride into the water supply was Grand Rapids, MI; a 1999 survey indicated Grand Rapids had the highest rate of osteoporosis in the U.S. on a per capita basis.
- Having a slight or slender build. Being underweight or low muscle mass.
- Hormone deficiencies, specifically thyroid deficiency
- Eating inflammatory and sensitive foods
- Lack of exposure to natural sunlight
- Elevated homocysteine increases risk of bone loss. Menopausal women with high homocysteine have double the risk of non-vertebral fractures. (NEJM 2004;350(20):203-2041)
- Sleep deprivation
- Lack of weight-bearing exercise such as strength training, walking, hiking, yoga and jump rope are essential to keep your bones strong. When you stress your bones with weight-bearing exercise, bone density increases reducing your risk of osteoporosis.
- Maternal history of hip fracture.
- Mineral deficiencies (magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese)
- Ongoing emotional stress. Stress is regulated by adrenal hormones such as cortisol and DHEA. Studies have proven that high cortisol levels lead to bone loss. Healthy levels of DHEA can prevent bone loss. Massage, exercise, yoga and meditation -- all of which are excellent for stress relief -- can reduce elevated cortisol thereby reducing risks of bone loss.
- Post menopausal women who are diabetic are more prone to osteoporosis.
- Smoking
- Spending less than or equal to four hours per day on feet.
- Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps your bones absorb calcium and phosphorus. Deficiency contributes to breast, prostate, colon cancer and chronic muscle aches and pains. Foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D are fatty fish like wild salmon, mushrooms, organ meats and egg yolks. More than 50% of females and 35% of males in the USA are deficient in vitamin D. In addition, lack of sunshine and the inability to properly digest fats contribute a vitamin D deficiency.
- Vitamin K deficiency. Research has shown that vitamin K is the key to calcium balance in the body.
- Heavy metal body burdens: aluminum toxicity is common. Also, check for and rule out lead, cadmium, tin and mercury.
Fortunately, there’s plenty and individual can do to maintain and increase bone strength and minimize risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis. While some bone loss is a normal part of the aging process, there are Solutions to Prevent Osteoporosis and many options to Maintain and Increase Bone Strength.
Schedule a free-15 minute consult. I consult with men and women around the world via telephone or Skype and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. I will determine the root cause and design a lifestyle plan and protocol so you can heal, restore your health and thrive!
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