Looks like the public is starting to move from stage 1 to
stage 2!:
- DENIAL --- Driving from suburbia to your downtown job every day in your Chevy Tahoe.
- ANGER --- "%$@^##& Exxon!, gouging me at the pump. I demand you lower your prices or I will boycott you!"
- BARGAINING --- "The Chinese need to stop using so much oil. My, they're burning
six million barrels every day." "We need to get corn farmers to make more ethanol, a 5 % blend would really help." "Maybe we can invade Iran and take control of their oil reserves."
- DEPRESSION --- "Oh God, civilization as we know it is going to be destroyed. What are we going to do without oil? How can farmers possibly grow any food? Think about the big box retail industry! Oh the calamity!"
- ACCEPTANCE -- "You know what, my ten minute commute by bicycle is far nicer than my hour long commute from my old place."
I'm somewhere around Stage 8.) Investing in the new reality -- getting an education that will give me valuable skills for a new 'cleantech'-age.
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