Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 8/11/2017"

"Weekly News Wrap-Up 8/11/2017"
By Greg Hunter’s 

"The threats are going both ways between the U.S. and North Korea, especially after the U.N. Security Council voted 15 to 0 to sanction Kim Jung Un over his nuclear program and threats to use the nukes against his enemies. President Trump promised “fire and fury” if North Korea used their nukes.

Best-selling author of books exposing the Clintons, Ed Klein, says the Jeff Sessions Justice Department is reopening the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Klein’s sources are saying the DOJ is thinking about offering a plea deal to Hillary that he also says she will not take. That is the tip of the iceberg as there are still allegations of taking treasonous bribes in the form of donations to the Clinton Foundation that many say is a global charity fraud.

Don’t believe the things you hear about the U.S. economy getting better - it’s not. John Williams of says jobs are collapsing, and the true unemployment rate is still at 22%. Billionaire Ray Dalio, who manages $160 billion at his hedge fund, says things are dicey with North Korea and the debt ceiling, and you should buy physical gold for protection.

“Join Greg Hunter as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.”

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