Phead account sign up registration - easy way to sign up for pheed

Phead account sign up registration - easy way to sign up for pheed

Dear reader do you know that Phead account sign up is done on the official website of, however Pheed account is pretty simple to do, all you need to do is to follow the proceedure we will share with you to sign up for your pheed account., To sign up for Pheed, the Trending new social network for sharing text and multimedia, you have three choices as follows;

  1. Email signup -- You can provide your email address, create a username and password, and voila, you have a Pheed account. It's pretty easy.

  2. Facebook signup -- You can provide your Facebook account information, and Pheed will create a new account for you that will be linked to your Facebook account. It will try to grab your Facebook profile photo and reuse it on your Pheed account, too.

  3. Twitter signup -- You can provide your Twitter account information, and Pheed will create a new account for you that will be linked to your Twitter account. It will also try to grab your profile photo from the micro-blogging network and reuse it on your Pheed account if you want.

Pheed; Web and Mobile Platform for Sharing Multimedia ( audio, video and pictures)

Those three account choices are available regardless of whether you choose to sign up for Pheed on the Web or on your phone.

Pheed, which launched in the fall of 2012, is available as both a Web service and a mobile app. (It's only mobile option was for the iPhone in April 2013.

The service is a blend of Twitter and Facebook, with a bit of YouTube thrown in. It allows users to subscribe to one another's feeds, like Twitter, and to post text, audio, photos, videos in updates that are called "pheeds."

Create pheed account - pheed for iPhone Sign up - pheed account sign up

If you want to download the mobile app for iPhone and sign up on your phone, Pheed has a page linking to the iPhone Pheed app download.

After you download the app, install and launch it, you should see a signup screen resembling the image above.

As with the desktop app, your choice will be to create an account linked to Facebook, Twitter or your email address.

If you click Facebook or Twitter, you'll be asked to confirm that Pheed should be granted access to your Facebook or Twitter account.

If you sign up with email, you'll be sent a confirmation message which you'll retrieve from your email account and click to confirm your Pheed account creation.

Giving A Name To Your New Feed Channel

  • As part of signing up, you'll be asked to provide a unique URL or Web address for your new account. It's very similar to Twitter's account and Web address scheme.

  • Later, you will be able to change your channel name, but not the URL assigned to your account initially.

  • So, for example, you create your Pheed channel at htt:// here. Later, you could rename your channel to be "Wild Woman of TX," which would subsequently appear on your channel menu, but not in your URL.

What more that you need to know About Feed

That's it--there is little complicated about getting a Pheed account. Using the social network is a bit more complicated because you'll have to learn some new lingo. For example, a comment is called a "pheedback;" a "keeper" is a pheed that's been saved; and "remix" is the equivalent of sharing on Facebook or retweeting on Twitter.

But our team will save the tutorial on how to use Pheed for another article. The best thing to do after signing up is to click around and find a few people to follow (or "subscribe" to since pheed doesn't use Twitter's following language.

Hope this article is helpful, please feel free to use the social media icon to share to your friends and remember to use the comment section for recommendation and questions on Phead account sign up registration - easy way to sign up for pheed and we will get in touch with you shortly. thanks!!!

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