2017 Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) in Australia

The University of Adelaide aims to create and engender a university culture that values health, safety and wellbeing as fundamental components of the work environment, supported by safe systems of work, appropriate governance, training, management structures and operational strategies.
The University of Adelaide is one of Australia’s most prestigious universities and is renowned internationally for excellence in education and research.
In order to be eligible applicants are required to have successfully completed at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Higher Degree by Research (Masters/ Doctoral) at University of Adelaide.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study any of the courses offered by the University of Adelaide.
Scholarship Award: The ASI provides
- Course tuition fees for two years for a Master degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only),
- An annual living allowance ($26,288 in 2016) for two years for a Master degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only), and
- For Postgraduate Research (Subclass 574) visa holders, the award provides compulsory standard Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Worldcare policy for the student and their spouse and dependents (if any) for the standard duration of the student visa. It does not cover the additional 6-month extended student visa period post thesis submission. If the award holder does not hold a subclass 574 visa then he/she is responsible for the cost of health insurance.
Nationality: International students can apply for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: In order to be eligible applicants are required to have successfully completed at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree (this is a four-year degree with a major research project in the final year).
However click here for more information’s on 2017 Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) in Australia.
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