THE TECH THAT WE FEED THE GLOBE----three facts you need to know

More years from now, the most important tools equipment for putting food on a dining table  won't be harvester anymore, combine or plows. It we be a piece of software.
Agriculture is in the process of transitioning a fully high technological enterprises. this is long overdue revolution in the way things are have being done for many centuries. To put it in a perspective, if we keep doing farming for instant the fashioned way, two billion more pupils will go Hungary by the year 2051.
World population growth growing and driving very fast urgent need for a radically boost in farm productivity.
Incremental advances in the output simply won't cut it.

  • Challengies to face:

The challenge in 2051 will be unprecedented and equivalent to growing enough food to feed everyone who is alive today plus everyone who was alive in 1920. Simply putting the technologies that got us throughout the 20th century won't get us very far into the 21st century and whatsoever solutions we have come up with a will to solve this dilemma will also have to take into account that land and water will continue to be a scarce resources, and environmental sustainability remains Paramount.

As fortunately, high technologies gadget are spreading to farms across  the countries and nudging crops productivity upwards.
While self driving cars are having a tough time achieving acceptance on Americas  highways, self driving combines and tractors are an increased in a common place of sight in American's wheat's and corns fields.
Tesla sold overall 50,000 autopilot equipment models last year, compared to John Deere, which already had 200,000 self driving tractors in the field. 

This technologies equipment is being researched and was used to test some practical agricultural crops productivity's it really worked well so we have listed it below to show the most relevant technology that we feed the world, this goes by.


Drip irrigation is a form of irrigation that saves water and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of many different plants, either onto the soil surface or directly onto the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and emitters.

Drip  irrigation

Back in they days when the complex math could only be performed  with a slide ruler and chalk aboard, we simply didn't have the computing capacity required to answer complex growing question to determined the best course of action with anything more than educated guesses.

Now computing a capacity is cheep, and it's possible to model all possible choices and their potential outcomes. A Laptop with Google maps for example, can evaluate every part form point A to B to decided, based on the current traffics conditions which will be likely be the shortest and fastest route.

Stimulating and modelling also help from getting lost when it comes to growing crops. At the most basic level,plants need a sunlight, water and nutrients at all levels that vary during various stages of growth. It we sounds simply but at scale, optimizing each factors has a huge payoff.

The united states of Americas of an annually producers of 2.5  billions bushels of wheat crops across 50 millions acres of land farm. A one percent boost in productivity would be enough to produce a 678,000 additional tons of wheat flour every single years.


We can really do much better than one percent increase by taking fully advantage of the power data analytics.

Prospera’s crop monitoring system's used with a computer

Even before the land farm first seed is planted in the ground,date analytics can be used to optimize the breeding of plant varieties to maximize the genetic potential for a variety of growing conditions around the countries and all over the world. Farmers in some parts of U.S might need a seed that tolerates droughts while a Midwestern farmers might want to seed with extra resistance to particular plant diseases.

When it come to a time to plant that seeds,  a data analytics can process vaster amounts of historically data on crops growth soil conditions weather and other key factors to ensure that individuals plants conditions are optimized for maximum growth.

Afterwards the crops harvest, data analytics can assist with the logistics of the distribution and sales of the crops.
They information's harvest must be considered as complete systems that optimizes every single steps of the placements of food products on the store.

they ideas is to completely help improve the decisions made in agriculture, from those made by the farmers and supplies to equip makers and ultimately to consumers.
Making it the best possible choices at every single stages of the food crops productions and processing will help maximize productivity and brings us more closer to creating the goal of growing more food's with fewer resources.

They level of efforts that will be need to feed to archives the aim of crop growth need to feed and and shelter the world in 2051.
This task is more bigger than anyone other companies or individuals. It's challenge that even extended beyond the traditional and local agricultural communities.

Food stuff security affects everyone and solving the problems will require and infusion  of total talents from all over the words of maths and software engineering to create and build the Innovative systems agricultures needs to reach the next level of productivities.


Satellites and drones are really giving farmers an unprecedented
Overview of health of their crops while arrays of ground-level sensors provided a real time data on a soil and climatic systems provide an early warning of the presences of invasive insects or other problems that maybe threatening crops survival.

A soil map created using agricultural drones and
PrecisionHawks’ Data map

A well educated informed farmers is able to act smart to fix problems before they become seriously. For example for instance, nitrogen sensors may reports an excess in one part the field but in another smaller patches there might be a shortage. This is allows the farmers to adjust and advanced well fertilizer delivery systems to ensure  nutrients are dispensed in precisely in the amount needed not too much, not too little. Precision prevents waste, which would results to saves money. But it's also good  for a environment.

Growing plants craves and absorbs nitrogen but farmers without the latest equipment may sometimes overdose it by providing extra fertilizers ''JUST IN CASE''  all the plants crops need more.
Unfortunately leftover has a tendencies to seep into the ground water where I excessive it can be harmful to fish.
So he benefits of potential to the environment from these high a technologies gadgets are tremendous, but they represent a single piece of a much more complexed puzzles.
What  technology gadgets do is unlock an unprecedented level of monitoring database collections in a capabilities. But the heart of the 21st centuries agriculture is information harvesting. Farmers may face an arrays of questions when it comes to growing food crops.

But what crops should be planted and where and when to ?
The amounts of water and fertilizers will vary from fields to another field's. The amounts will  also change by the day or sometimes by the hours.
There maybe are thousands  of complexed interrelated variables involved in the process.


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