
Hypertension or High Blood pressure is the force of imported blood on the walls of arteries. This force is generated by the heart as it pumps blood to all parts of the body.

The blood pressure can increase or decrease suddenly or gradually, depending on a number of factors such as diseases and how we use ourselves. Nowadays, high blood pressure is becoming rampant. In some people, the blood pressure is so high that it can cause stroke or kill them instantly. Most people who have hypertension do not even know. High blood pressure usually starts manifesting in middle age. It is common among hardworking people like business men. Those who worry a lot, top executives and some other people who have diseases that can cause hypertension in their body. It is often more frequent in men than women up to 45 years, but is greatly increased in women after menopause.

It is generally of high incidence in people who have blood vessel diseases from accumulation of fats in their blood vessels. Emotional stress and tension may also increase its incidence. High blood pressure may also result from the clamping and shutting of arteries.

High blood pressure increases the workload of the heart and arteries. This is because the heart pumps blood more forcefully while the arteries carry high pressure blood.

High blood pressure may result in associated diseases like stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and heart attack. Obesity usually predisposes to high blood pressure since the disease (obesity), also increases the workload of the heart, thereby restricting pulmonary ventilation.


There are no specific symptoms of high blood pressure, although, persistence headaches, dizziness, fatigue and tension are sometimes associated with the disease. High blood pressure can however be diagnosed by checking ones blood pressure regularly. In curing or preventing the disease, the patient must check his blood pressure regularly and stay under strict medical treatment. Appropriate medications recommended by a doctor can be used to control blood pressure. Furthermore, dietary therapy should include low-fat and salt foods.

Rest and exercise may also be useful. If medical programme is strictly followed the patient’s life will be prolonged and the patient’s incidence of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and other associated diseases will be reduced.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends four measures for effective control of high blood pressure

  • Periodic blood pressure checks to detect high blood pressure.

  • If you have a high blood pressure follows medical advice about taking medicines and changing your dietary and health habits.

  • Keep strictly to the doctor’s dosage prescription.

  • Help the medical team to help you in bringing your blood pressure under control.

  • Quit smoking

  • Quit alcohol consumption

  • Quit taking of hard drugs

If all medical efforts fail you just know that there is no sickness Jesus cannot cure I advice you to visit synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN) in Lagos Nigeria and register for the prayer line were the Holy Spirit through his anointed servant prophet TB Joshua will heal you of hypertension and all other diseases you suffer. For details on how to visit SCOAN visit www.scoan.org


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