Home Remedies for Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Home Remedies for Heartburn and Acid Reflux

After eating food, there are many enzymes present in your body that works step by step throughout the digestion process. Stomach secretes many acidic juices that lead to gradual raise into the esophagus when the valve between esophagus and stomach does not close properly. That is why a burning sensation is produced behind the breastbone. It feels like pain in the stomach and chest and is very ill-tempered. Burning sensation and acid reflux occur mostly after eating fatty, fried, or acidic foods.
There are many symptoms associated with the heartburn including gas, nausea, bloating, shortened breathe and sore throat or taste in mouth. You should use some natural herbal tips to get rid of the stomach pain at home instead of going to the doctor and take medicines.

1.  Baking Soda

Baking soda remedy is much quicker to reduce the heartburn as it is thought to be a natural reliever for acid reflux. Your stomach and chest pain can be easily removed within minutes.
  • In a glass of water, add one tsp of baking soda.
  • Drink the solution for quick relief from pain.
  • There is an option to add lemon juice in the solution.

2.  Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are good for your overall health as it is used as a mouth freshener and keep you away from many diseases related to that. You can make a drink from fennel seeds.
  • In a cup of boiling water, add 2 tsp of fennel seeds.
  • Allow it to sit for 10 minutes then strain the solution in a cup.
  • Drink it medium hot.

3.  Mint

Mint is very cool ingredient and great for removing the acidic heartburn. Mint has soothing properties that stop indigestion.
  • Take some mint leaves and crushed them finely.
  • Add crushed mint leaves to a cup of water.
  • Keep the cup aside for at least 30 minutes.
  • Drink the solution three times a day.
  • Another option is, you can also chew mint leaves.
home remedies for acidity

4.  Ginger

Ginger has two important functions that help in proper digestion. The first one is that it helps in the absorption of acidic substances present in the stomach and second one is it helps in keeping the nerves calm and hence protects from heartburn.
  • Make a ginger tea by adding freshly grated ginger piece to one cup of boiling water.
  • Let it steep for some minutes then drink it several times a day.
  • You can also eat raw ginger and add it into your meal.

5.  Vinegar

Vinegar is useful to treat the acid reflux that causes heartburn. Vinegar actually generates the sphincter below the esophagus for its closing and that it indirectly inhibits acid to increase in amount. Many different types of vinegar are available but the best one is apple cider vinegar for this purpose.
  • In a glass of water, add one or two tsp of apple cider vinegar.
  • Drink this juice before having each meal.

6.  Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is the all-purpose remedy therefore it is also useful for the heartburn problem. It reduces the inflammation and heals the gastrointestinal tract.

The best way to use aloe vera extract is drink one-quarter cup of it before 20 minutes of eating meal. But make sure do not drink too much of its extract in only one day as it may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.
home remedies for acid reflux

7.  Milk

A glass of milk can be very helpful to get rid of the heartburn immediately. Milk works to make the valve relax between the stomach and esophagus. Instead of drinking milk, you can try other dairy products too.

8.  Slippery elm

Slippery elm is an old-age remedy which has been working for centuries and gives best results. It creates a thick mucus lining in your stomach therefore a kind of wall is develops against acid.
  • Add one tsp of slippery elm powder in a cup of hot water.
  • Drink it after meals and bedtime.
how to get rid of heartburn and acid reflux

9.  Cabbage Juice

Cabbage lightens the issues related to digestive problems including heartburn because of the presence of anti-inflammatory properties present in it.
  • Grind a fresh cabbage and two carrots in a blender.
  • Drink one-half cup of the juice in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • You can also drink juices of other vegetables like cucumbers, radishes or beets.

10.  Almonds

Almond is also good to treat the heartburn. No one would avoid this remedy due to having such tasteful nuts as an herbal medicine.

After having a meal, eat three to four almonds. It’s your choice to use raw, roasted or salted almonds. Chew them finely until they turn into a flour-like substance. It will give you relief from acid reflux in your stomach.

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