How to Get Rid of Razor Burn Fast
Home Remedies for Razor Burn/Bumps
Razor burn is a sudden action while shaving that partially linked to the removal of unwanted hair. Razor is meant to be high-pitched and sharp so it usually happens to the majority of people. Razor burn refers to the irritation or redness at the areas where cut is made while shaving. Eventually the redness increases and a kind of burning sensation is produced which cause itchiness. Men and women both are associated with the use of razor, men for shaving their face and women for shaving their legs and armpits so these marked areas can have razor burn immediately when razor is worked with a wrong way. Probably there are some causes of razor burn like use of hard soap, dull blade, shaving dry and sensitive skin. Keep these conditions in your mind before start shaving.
The burning sensation due to razor burn is very irritating and uncomfortable so it is better to seek for the home made natural treatments so that you can quickly reduce the risk of any infection thereafter.
1. Cold Compress
Cold compress is very natural and easy remedy as it only needs ice packs which give you instant relief from the razor burn. The inflammation is vanished in just few minutes and you feel comfortable and relax.
- In a thin towel, place some thin ice cubes in it. Now put the towel in the affected area for some minutes.
- Soak a piece of cloth in cold water then place it on the affected area for few minutes.
- Repeat the procedure several times a day.
- For the immediate relief, splash cold water on the area continuously.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a perfect remedy for matter of healing the wounds and cuts. It naturally reduces the itching and prevents from infection.
- Take a small piece of cotton ball and soak it in the apple cider vinegar.
- Now dab it gradually on the affected area.
- Allow the vinegar to dry properly then wash it off with cold water.
- Follow the remedy three times a day until you see improvement.
3. Aspirin
Aspirin possess anti-inflammatory property therefore it is used to get quick relief from the burning and itching caused by razor burn.
- In one tsp of warm water, put two aspirins.
- Let it sit and dissolved for some time.
- It will become like a paste then.
- Rub the paste gently on the affected skin.
- Leave it for at least 10 minutes then wash with lukewarm water.
- Use this remedy twice a day.
4. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is an amazing herb which is greatly used for healing the wounds on the skin. It soothes the razor burn and gives you instant relief from itching. Aloe vera, on the other hand is thought to be a good moisturizer that keeps your skin moisturized.
- From aloe vera leaf, extract the gel.
- Rub the gel directly on the affected areas.
- Let it dry then wash with cold water.
- Follow the remedy two times a day for three days ahead.
5. Black Tea
The tea bags that you usually use to make tea yourself is also very good to get rid of razor burn. It is because of the presence of tannic acid in the black tea which helps to get rid of the inflammation caused by razor burn.
- In warm water, moisten a black tea bag.
- Put the bag into the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
- Rub the cool tea bag on the affected areas for three minutes at least.
- Repeat the process few times a day.
6. Honey
Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties due to which it is used highly for many healing processes and so for treating the razor burn. Honey reduces the inflammation and prevents the cuts to become deep and infected.
- Take some amount of honey in your finger and directly apply it on the part where you feel irritation.
- Allow it to dry then rinse it off with cold water.
- Alternatively, you can mix honey with plain yogurt then apply on the affected parts for 15 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.
7. Baking Soda
Baking soda remedy is very old but reliable in its way because it has anti-inflammatory properties which helps in soothes the irritating skin and let you feel comfortable. It reduces the redness as well.- In one cup of water, mix one tbsp. of baking soda.
- Soak a cotton ball in this solution then apply on the affected skin.
- Leave it for 10 minutes then rinse with cold water.
- Follow the remedy regularly for three times.
8. Cucumber
Cucumber also contains anti-inflammatory properties due to which it greatly deals with the razor burn and its symptoms. Vitamins C and K are important ingredients for relieving the pain and itching.
- Take a fresh cucumber and slice it.
- Now place the slices in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
- Rub the cool cucumber slices on the affected areas with the gentle motion of your hands for at least 10 minutes.
- Repeat the procedure until the skin completely heals.
- You have another option to mix half of a cucumber with one-quarter cup of milk.
- Put the mixture in the refrigerator to cool down.
- Apply it on the targeted areas then leave for 10 minutes.
- Rinse it off with warm water.
- Do the remedy daily for two days.
9. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is another affected herbal remedy that has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Razor burn can also be treated with tea tree oil for the quick relief from burning sensation.
- In two tbsp. of water, add five drops of tea tree oil.
- The solution is now become diluted then apply directly on the skin.
- Leave it for 10 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.
- Do the remedy two times a day regularly.
- Another option you will find here is add three drops of tea tree oil to one tbsp. of olive oil.
- Now apply the mixture on the affected skin. After leaving it for 15 minutes, rinse it off.
10. Oatmeal
Oatmeal has soothing properties which can help you in eliminating the inflammation and irritation caused by razor burn.
- Take equal amounts of ground oatmeal and plain yogurt.
- Add a little quantity of honey in it.
- Apply the mixture on the affected area.
- Leave it for 30 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
- Use this remedy for twice daily for three days.
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