Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that occur in women at their reproductive age and it related with the imbalance of hormone that means one or two of the specific hormones are releasing in the female body in an excess amount therefore it tends to suppress the amount of another hormones and cause hormonal imbalance. It is thought that androgens (male hormones) become more active in the female body in case of polycystic ovary syndrome.
According to the scientists and researchers, it has been believed that there seems an important linkage between the PCOS and insulin that it allows insulin to release in the body more and more afterwards. High levels of insulin are the main reason which orders ovaries to produce more male hormones in women body. Genetic inheritance could be the main factor of PCOS that run through families. Though, the particular cause of PCOS is still not found. Women associated with the polycystic ovaries syndrome find difficulties in getting pregnant due to the presence of cysts in their ovaries and menstrual cycle also changes its way.
The symptoms of PCOS are like prolonged or irregular menstrual cycle, ingrown hair on face, weight gain, oily skin, acne, male like beard or baldness, and pelvic pain. PCOS should be treated early as soon it is diagnosed because this can disturb the entire system of your endocrine. As the insulin in the body will increase in its range so it will conflict upon the Type 2 diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol, etc.
PCOS does not have a proper cure but it can be controlled at some extent, with the use of medicines, you should also apply some home remedies that will give you a natural treatment without any side effects.
1. Cinnamon
Columbia University researchers have proved that cinnamon would found to be good for the women suffered with PCOS along with the reduction of insulin from women body published by journal fertility centers.
- In a glass of hot water, put one tsp of cinnamon powder.
- Drink this solution for about few months until you see some improvement.
- Cinnamon can also be available to you as a supplement so you can take this after consulting your doctor for a proper dosage.
- Add cinnamon in your food like oatmeal, cereal, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.
- If you are using this herb to fight against insulin then you should go to doctor first because cinnamon can lower your blood sugar level.
2. Flaxseed
Flaxseed contains an especial power to decrease the androgen hormone level in your body due to the presence of a substance called lignans. Lingnans actually works to produce the globulin which is a sex hormone that flows in the blood after combining with testosterone.
Although, flaxseed slows down the glucose synthesis and lower the levels of cholesterol found in the body because flaxseed in enriched with fiber contents. Not only this but omega-3 fatty acid is also found in flaxseed which leads to remove the inflammation, swelling, lowers the blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- In a glass of water, mix two tbsp. of ground flaxseeds.
- Drink this mixture for few months until you become satisfied.
- Add ground flaxseed in your daily diet.
3. Spearmint Tea
Spearmint has anti-androgenic properties so it reduces the increasing levels of androgens in women body. According to the phytotherapy, it has been confirmed that spearmint tea should be drink to treat the hirsutism, ingrown hair on body, reducing the testosterone hormone, increasing the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels.
- In a pan, pour one cup of water.
- Now add one tsp of dried spearmint leaves in water.
- Simmer for 10 minutes.
- Strain the mixture then drink this daily for few weeks.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar deals with PCOS by controlling the sugar levels and restricts insulin hormone to produce too much in body. Once the insulin will become less in your body, testosterone hormone will also reduce automatically. Therefore weight loss and improving health would be the results.
- Add two tsp of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
- Drink this solution in the morning before eating breakfast.
- Continue the remedy for some weeks.
- Eventually, increase the dosage of apple cider vinegar upto two tbsp. per glass for three times a day.
5. Fenugreek
Fenugreek is also proved to be good for resisting the insulin by generating the glucose metabolism. In this way the hormones become balance thus helps in lowering the cholesterol, weight loss and prevents from heart disease.
- Take three tsp of fenugreek seeds and soak them in water for about eight hours.
- Now add a little amount of honey in one tsp of soaked seeds then eat in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Take one tsp 10 minutes before your lunch and dinner too.
- Continue this remedy for few weeks until you find improvement.
- Add fenugreek seeds in your daily diet.
6. Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto is an excellent herb which performs as anti-androgen, tends to block the 5-alpha-reductase and eliminate the alteration of the testosterone into an active substance called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Due to these facts, saw palmetto reduces the hairiness in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. According to naturopaths, saw palmetto helps in rebalancing the hormones and treats the women with PCOS.
- Doctors often suggest 320 mg of saw palmetto daily for few months.
- In case if you are taking liquid solution of saw palmetto then take one tsp per day.
7. Chaste Berry
Chaste berry is highly recommended to reduce the symptoms related to polycystic ovary syndrome. It also helps in the treatment of fertility to get pregnant and balance the hormone levels as well. It is a best remedy used for maintaining the menstrual problems.
- Take one tsp of dried chaste berries and add in a cup of boiled water.
- Steep for about 10 minutes.
- Now strain the solution and drink it daily for few months.
- Once if you satisfy with the outcome, discontinue this remedy.
- You can also take chaste berry as a supplement after consulting your doctor for proper dosage.
8. Fish Oil
Fish oil is enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, therefore, it works to reduce the androgen hormone from the women body and recover the sensitivity of insulin. According to the researchers, it has been proved that omega-3 fatty acid soothes the symptoms of PCOS. Fish oil supplements can also be available to you at medical stores. Fish oil supplements will diminish the inflammation and will prevent you from the chronic diseases. Two to three capsules are relatively suggested by the doctors.
9. Licorice
Licorice is preferable for decreasing the amount of testosterone in women suffered with PCOS. A compound called glycyrrhizin is present in licorice which stops the enzyme that is responsible for releasing the testosterone. Licorice is also suggested for therapy for hirsutism.
Licorice also makes women available to ovulate and reliefs from detoxification of liver thus it helps in balancing the hormones.
- In a cup of boiling water, add one tsp of dried licorice root.
- Let it steep for 10 minutes.
- Now strain the solution and drink this tea for three times a day.
- Follow this remedy for some weeks.
- You can also take licorice herb supplement for few weeks about one-quarter to one-half tsp.
- Make sure whether you are concerned with high blood pressure, heart, kidney and liver disease, so avoid using licorice as it effects on blood glucose levels.
10. Holy Basil
Holy basil is commonly called as tulsi which is used to improve the symptoms related to PCOS because it contains androgenic properties. It also helps in maintaining the levels of insulin and helps in reducing the weight. While taking holy basil, you will feel relax as it also possess anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory advantages.
- Ingest eight to twelve basil leaves in morning with an empty stomach.
- You can also make basil tea and drink this for few times regularly.
- Take this herb as a supplement but consult your doctor first.
If you are a diabetic patient then take this herb with care because it leads to the increasing blood glucose levels. Holy basil slows down the blood clotting and connects with the anticoagulant drugs.
If you want to get proper medications for treating the PCOS so you should go for the best and licensed naturopathic physician. Sometimes with the decreasing level of testosterone, estrogen levels are increased because androgens can convert to the estrogens.
Naturopaths will treat in a good way that it will give you medicines that will metabolize the estrogen approval. Increase fiber intake in your daily diet.
Additional Tips
- Losing just 10 percent of your weight will help your menstrual periods back to normal so keep checking your body weight.
- Do the regular exercises will burn your fats thus lose weight along with the insulin regulation.
- Make your body familiar with the fiber-rich and whole-grain food.
- Take vitamins B complex like B2, B3, B5 and B6 that will help in reducing the PCOS symptoms.
- Women should leave smoking because smoking can promote the androgen levels in women body.
- Avoid using plastics in food storage and preparation.
- Remember not to drink water from a container made up of plastic.
- Take birth control pills advised and prescribed by the gynecologist.
- For rebalancing the hormone levels, acupuncture therapy is also found to be great.
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