Herbal Medicine

The origins of herbal medicine date all the way back to prehistoric times. Many pharmaceutical medicines contain a single active ingredient and may cause a long list of unpleasant side effects, ranging from nausea and headaches to far worst conditions such as depression and anxiety disorder. Medicinal herbs often feature more than one active ingredient and in many cases, feature fewer or less severe side effects. It is best to consult with a Naturopathic physician before you begin taking medicinal herbs to identify if there are any ingredients that may interfere with other medications you are taking. These are just a few of the benefits of medicinal herbs.

They May be More Effective for Treating Certain Conditions

Medicinal herbs may be more beneficial to patients who are struggling with a chronic condition, such as arthritis. Since chronic conditions require the use of long-term medication, another great aspect of medicinal herbs is that they typically cost less than pharmaceutical prescriptions.


Many herbs are available without a doctor’s prescription. This is a great feature for patients who have visited a Naturopathic physician and determined with medicinal herbs they need to take to alleviate their symptoms; they will not have to keep scheduling costly follow-up appointments in order to fill their prescription. Many herbs can even be grown in a garden, such as chamomile and peppermint. In fact, in many parts of the world, herbs might be the only available treatment for the majority of patients.

They May Be a Safer Alternative

One of the most attractive benefits of medicinal herbs is that they might be a safer alternative to prescription medications, simply because herbs are more natural than pharmaceuticals. With so many people becoming increasingly aware about the benefits of purchasing organic produce and products that do not contain growth hormones, the interest in medicinal herbs is also growing.

These are just a few reasons medicinal herbs might be beneficial. In addition to consulting with a medical expert to learn more about potential side effects and drug interactions, you can also find plenty of information online about the benefits of specific herbs.

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