4 Ways to Reduce the Attacks of Mosquitos and Ticks this Summer

Although mosquitos and ticks are relatively small, they can still cause a great deal of damage to yourself and the family. Very few people are resistant to mosquito bites, but the diseases these insects carry are very dangerous to human health. Ticks are often attributed to lyme disease and other complications as well. Luckily, there are ways to protect your family from these small creatures.

Insect Repellent Sprays

Repellents can go a long way to stopping bugs from biting you or the children. However, these sprays are flammable and can leave a very nasty aftertaste in your mouth. Now, this doesn't mean that you need to treat your tongue and teeth with the spray, but it does affect eating barbecue chicken with your hands. Many of these sprays are also short-lived and require several applications throughout the day.


Various types of foods can repel insects of all kinds. Planting things such as garlic and lavender repels ticks and can prevent them from coming into the yard. In fact, garlic can repel a large portion of insects including mosquitoes. You shouldn't rub yourself down with a slice of pizza, but garlic plants and lotions can be effective in reducing your appeal to these carnivores.


An oil derived from the cymbopogon plant, citronella has been an effective deterrent against various insects for more than seven decades. However, the downside to the product is that the range is limited and lotions need to be applied every hour. If you use several candles around the area where you and the family are outdoors, it could be enough to stave off mosquitoes and ticks.

Professional Natural Sprays

Some companies will use natural and non-toxic sprays to rid an area of ticks and mosquitoes. This means that you don't have to worry about your children and pets when these insect experts come to your door. Natural sprays and compounds also help your local environment as the water table doesn't absorb toxic compounds.

It only takes one tick or mosquito to infect you or your family with deadly illnesses. With the long list of insect-related ailments, you don't want to take the chance of having to make an emergency room visit after a bite. Visiting websites such as mosquitosquad.com can help you get in touch with professionals and devices that can protect the household from these kinds of bugs. Do what needs to be done to enjoy your summer without being swarmed by mosquitoes or the occasional tick.

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