10 Lipstick commandments you need to know about

10 Lipstick commandments you need to know about

Do you struggle to get the perfect lips? Well, here are ten of the most basic rules of applying lipstick, the ten commandments of lipstick that you need to know:

1. Start with a clean canvas

Step one to perfect lips, is always to start with fresh, clean lips. Keep your lips clear of dead and dry skin by exfoliation them twice a week and keep them moisturised with lip balm.

2. Outline your lips with lip liner

Outline your lips with a lip liner pencil first, this will make it easier to apply the lipstick and it will stop the lipstick from running into any  fine lines that you may have, just below and above your lip.

3. Experiment with formulas

Different types of lipstick look better with different types of complexion, so experiment with formulas and different manufacturers. Test out some long lasting, creamy and matte lipsticks and see which ones suit you the best.

4. Not too much shimmer

Lipsticks with too much shimmer and glitter do not always work well. Lipsticks that naturally reflect the light through their creaminess are much better.

5. Not too dark

Don’t be tempted to try the Goth look; it will just make you look older. Black or blue lipsticks look completely unnatural and, apart from looking scary, it can also put years on you.

6. Start in the middle, and work outwards

To alive the thick, clown like lipstick look, always start in the middle of your lips and then work your way to the corners of your mouth by blending with your fingers.

7. Don’t overdo lipstick

Bold lipstick can look stunning, but if you want to lighten up a shade a bit and make it less dramatic, apply it to your bottom lip only, press your lips together and then blend with your fingers.

8. Nude is good too!

Lipstick doesn’t have to be red, nude looks great too. The best way to choose a nude lipstick is to look for a shade that is just slightly deeper or brighter than the natural colour of your lips and that will give you just enough contrast for it to look great.

9. Avoid bargain lipsticks
You can get some really cheap lipsticks, but they are best to be avoided. For one, they won’t last as long and secondly, they often contain some pretty horrible chemicals that you really don’t want to be putting on your lips.

10. Blot your lipstick

Apply one coat, blot and then apply a second swipe, and your lipstick will look much better and last for much longer. And, our last little tip is: to avoid lipstick getting on your teeth, pop your finger into your mouth and then pull it out with your lips closed.

Stay beautiful!

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