Road Trip: Palembang

This summer I spent a lot of time in Indonesia, we traveled across several islands, but one stop was Palembang. Palembang is a old city, infact, my wifes family on her mothers side has lived in the same house in the old district for over 300 years. Built along the Musi River the city has long been an important cultural and political center of the island of Sumatra. It is a city that is struggling to mix the modern world with its rich history and traditions. 

If I was going to recommend a place to go for a vacation Palembang would be far down the list of spots to visit in Indonesia, but if you do happen to find yourself in the city you will find good food, a fun nightlife, and friendly people (in general).  

Kids stop to pose while I take pictures of the political parade making its way down the street.

Buddhist temple   

The old downtown business district 

Fishing villages are generally accessed by boat, but the water level is low this year. This area has been populated by fishermen for hundreds of years.  

Our security escort takes a break while I photograph the village 

A small Mosque also built on piles in the fishing village  

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