Moody's Investor Services launches Inside Asia quarterly

Source: Moody's Inside Asia.
Moody's Investors Service has released its inaugural edition of Inside Asia, a quarterly publication highlighting its credit analysis and research across sovereigns, corporates, financial institutions and structured finance credits across the region.

"Our ratings and research coverage across Asia has grown in lockstep with the deepening of the region's bond markets in recent years," says Michael Taylor, a Moody's Managing Director and Chief Credit Officer for Asia Pacific.

Moody's notes the region will face challenges in the coming 12 months.

"Our expectation of a steady recovery in external demand, especially from the US, still-favourable global liquidity conditions and the region's fundamental strengths and defences against external shocks all support a stable outlook for regional credit," says Rahul Ghosh, a Moody's Vice President and Senior Research Analyst.

"Nonetheless, significant downside risks exist, including the possibility of a more pronounced growth slowdown in China and the potential for market instability as the US Federal Reserve shifts towards normalising interest rates," adds Ghosh.

These features are included in the inaugural publication:

• Asian Credit Quality Will Be Stable in 2015 Despite Global and Regional Challenges

• A Property Downturn in China Would Exert a Marked, but Manageable Economic Impact

• Indonesia: Stable Outlook under Next Government, Despite External Challenges

• India Banking System Outlook Negative but Net New NPLs Have Peaked

Further data and analysis are covered in the Asia Dashboards section of Moody's new publication. Subscribers can access the report here.

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