WASHINGTON: A latest study has revealed that meals rich in fat content are damaging for males.
Researchers for the first time have acknowledged the extraordinary differences between the two sexes concerning how they respond to fat rich diet. Researchers have found very interesting results. They found that extra fat content in male diet results in inflammation of brain and heart diseases while female shows no response to high content of fat.
Researchers from Cedars-Sinai Diabetes and Obesity Research institute conducted the experiments on mice to prove the point. Researchers provided the fat rich diet to male and female mice. As a result, scientists found that male mice developed brain inflammation and heart diseases while the female mice showed no response to fat diet. They neither developed brain inflammation nor any heart disease.
The females have a strong fortification against negative effects of the fats and sugars. The fat wealthy diet changes the tissue composition and blood sugar level which could direct to obesity.
The cheering sign is that scientists discovered that they can manipulate the male’s brain of mice in such a way that they can also develop the characteristics like female brain.
The study is published in the journal Cell Reports.
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