Home remedies for acidity

With irregular eating habits, acidity is very common. Acidity is caused by many factors. When you have food at uneven intervals, it can be a cause for acidity. Acidity is also caused by having contaminated food. Acidity can also cause other gastric problems because of stomach upset. Heartburn is also caused by problem of acidity. Acidity can also be caused by stress and hectic lifestyle. Balanced diet is important to control condition of acidity. In case of severe acidity, you can opt for medications. Here are some home remedies to get rid of condition of acidity.

Having cold milk at regular intervals can actually reduce your condition of acidity. Cold milk helps to neutralize the acids of the body. You can also opt for fruits in case of acidity. There are some fruits which give effective results in curing acidity. Fruits like bananas and watermelon give instant results. Try and have these fruit portions twice in a day for instant relief.

Another effective remedy in case of acidity is in form of cumin seeds. You can have one tea spoon of cumin seeds in raw form. Or, you can also boil the seeds with water, and have it thrice a day. It gives quick result from acidity.

Lemon juice and honey are also effective in case of acidity. Have this at least three times in a day. Acidity can also be cured in case of having vegetable juices. In this case carrot juice is very effective in curing acidity. Have a glass of carrot juice two times in a day for effective results.

Citrus juices can also benefit in terms with acidity. They directly act on acids, and help to bind your stomach properly. You can opt for having two glasses of orange juice in case of acidity. It helps to provide temporary respite.
Try these tips in case of relief from acidity. But, try and stick to one particular method for effective results.

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