Book Review: Prisoner Jailor Prime Minister by Tabrik C
Prisoner, Jailor Prime Minister is a political fiction written by Tabrik C.
Published by Hachette India, this 320 pages long paperback fiction is set to take place in near future, 2016, along with a flashback dating 2-3 decades earlier. Largely written in first person view of the lead character, Sidhartha Tagore while some chapters (which doesn't involve Sidhartha) are in third person. News clippings are also used to provide additional details.
The plot is about the future prime minister of India, who is a Harvard Alumni and whose dad was an MP. More interestingly, Sidhartha Tagore is a brilliant musician, who is respected worldwide for his concerts. Sidhartha is known to take some tough decisions and stands, which wins him enemies both within and outside the country.
Though 'Prisoner Jailor Prime Minister' is a fiction, it occasionally refers to real political parties and people- BJP, Deve Dowda, Saffron, Khakhi chaddis (RSS) and so on. The plot seem to be developed on an idea that a 3rd front government will come into place after 2014 General Elections. Though there's no direct blame, the plot seem to project that saffron party, if elected to power would bring in constitutional changes to enforce vedic culture and traditional rules.
There is no physical reference to prison and jail. Assume the term used in book's title are more to reflect the mental state of the prime minister- the dilemma he faces and the circumstances that try to tie him down.
Story begins in the present, occasionally goes back to 1980s when Sidhartha was a student at Harvard. He finds his love of life there and enjoyed huge fan following because of his expertise in music. Over the course of the story the past and present merges very well. Read the book to find out Sidhartha's journey of politics and music-his personal and professional challenges and more.
Title: Prisoner, Jailor Prime Minister
Author: Tabrik C
MRP: Rs 350 (Rs 267 on flipkart, Rs 235 on
No of Pages: 320
Publisher: hachette India
Genre: Political Fiction
This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!
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Published by Hachette India, this 320 pages long paperback fiction is set to take place in near future, 2016, along with a flashback dating 2-3 decades earlier. Largely written in first person view of the lead character, Sidhartha Tagore while some chapters (which doesn't involve Sidhartha) are in third person. News clippings are also used to provide additional details.
The plot is about the future prime minister of India, who is a Harvard Alumni and whose dad was an MP. More interestingly, Sidhartha Tagore is a brilliant musician, who is respected worldwide for his concerts. Sidhartha is known to take some tough decisions and stands, which wins him enemies both within and outside the country.
Though 'Prisoner Jailor Prime Minister' is a fiction, it occasionally refers to real political parties and people- BJP, Deve Dowda, Saffron, Khakhi chaddis (RSS) and so on. The plot seem to be developed on an idea that a 3rd front government will come into place after 2014 General Elections. Though there's no direct blame, the plot seem to project that saffron party, if elected to power would bring in constitutional changes to enforce vedic culture and traditional rules.
There is no physical reference to prison and jail. Assume the term used in book's title are more to reflect the mental state of the prime minister- the dilemma he faces and the circumstances that try to tie him down.
Story begins in the present, occasionally goes back to 1980s when Sidhartha was a student at Harvard. He finds his love of life there and enjoyed huge fan following because of his expertise in music. Over the course of the story the past and present merges very well. Read the book to find out Sidhartha's journey of politics and music-his personal and professional challenges and more.
Title: Prisoner, Jailor Prime Minister
Author: Tabrik C
MRP: Rs 350 (Rs 267 on flipkart, Rs 235 on
No of Pages: 320
Publisher: hachette India
Genre: Political Fiction
This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!
Similar: Shoes of the dead by Kota Neelima * Tantra by Adi * RIP * F?@k knows * How I braved Anu aunty and co founded a million dollar company *
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