Teddy Bear, forever in my heart ♥♥♥

Teddy Bear vom Rayenhartz Owens, my rock, faithful and trusted friend, loving and loyal companion, protector and soul mate

February 2, 2002 – February 13, 2014

     Teddy Bear - 6 weeksTeddy Bear ♥

God blessed me with the gift of the sweetest and most loving Rottweiler I have ever known, Teddy Bear. My Teddy Bear was a gentle giant with a tender, loving disposition who loved me unconditionally. My Teddy Bear dispelled the misconception to many who were fearful or had the stereotypical opinion of the Rottweiler breed. Teddy was the neighborhood mascot for 12 years and loved by all who met him, especially kids of all ages. There were many times kids would ring the doorbell asking if Teddy could come out and play.

Teddy and I were there for one another through thick and thin. He was the light and love of my life; my strength when I was weak, and my devoted and loyal companion who I loved sharing life with. We were deeply connected at the soul level. He is deeply missed, and tears fill my eyes as I write this because my heart was ripped apart as I said good bye to him and thanked him for being the best dog in the world. As I laid next to him during his final minutes, his loving eyes looked at me and he gently kissed my face. I tried my best to stay strong for him, but the tears were hard to hold back. My spirit is weeping and my heart is broken beyond belief. There is a deep, empty void in my life, my heart and home without his presence. I feel numb and miss him more than words can express.

Teddy Bear was quite the dog…..He was a therapy dog in nursing homes providing love and comfort to many of the residents. When he was younger, we used to visit grade schools and teach kids how to behave around dogs, especially large dogs (Teddy weighed 125 lbs). Teddy was also a professional model for a national pet toy company, Tuffy Toys…so the next time you visit your favorite pet store look for my handsome Teddy Bear’s photo on the Tuffy Toys.

Slowly as time lessens the painful loss and heals my wounded heart, I will focus, reflect and re-direct my thoughts and energy on all of the joy, abundance of love, his sweet disposition and happy moments we had together and treasure them forever. There will never, ever be another Teddy Bear.

My dear friend, Dr. Eric Serrano sent a beautiful message to me years ago that said, “until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Thank you Teddy Bear for awakening a part of my soul that no one ever has and giving so much unconditional love.

Teddy Bear, my rock, trusted friend, loving and loyal companion, protector and soul mate you are forever and always in my heart. God rest your sweet, gentle soul. Red heart

Teddy Bear

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