Natural Remedies to Cure Constipation & Maintain a Happy, Healthy Colon
Constipation is the #1 gastrointestinal complaint in the U.S. affecting almost 5 million people. It’s a subject that most people avoid talking about or are too embarrassed to mention. Constipation is a stressor on the body, affects quality of life and diminishes overall sense of well-being.
Constipation is a condition of the digestive system often stemming from intestinal dysbiosis, pathogenic bacteria in the gut, lack of healthy flora, an altered microbiota, an unhealthy lifestyle, eating inflammatory foods the body is sensitive to (specifically dairy, wheat, corn, soy and gluten), low fiber intake, decreased peristalsis, leaky gut and GI dysfunction. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from constipation and it tends to be more common in those over age 65.
Normal bowel transit time is 12-24 hours. From a functional perspective, an individual is considered constipated if a day passes without a bowel movement.
Constipation leads to an accumulation of body wastes, metabolic by-products and toxins in the body. Unreleased wastes produce toxins related to fermentation, putrification and rotting, and can become a breeding ground for parasites and an increased risk of colon cancer.
Signs of infrequent bowel movements can cause all sorts of ailments including gas and bloating, a distended belly, fatigue, irritability, headaches, diverticulitis, colon polyps, bad breath, body odor, a coated tongue, altered brain function, hemorrhoids, insomnia, dark circles under the eyes, varicose veins and malabsorption issues.
If you experience constipation, resorting to laxatives is not the answer. Regular use can be quite harmful, destroying healthy intestinal bacteria, damaging the colon and leading to laxative dependence, dehydration, chronic constipation and even death.
The first line of action is to identify the root cause of constipation.
The main causes for constipation
- Dairy products. Diets high in sugar, processed carbs, gluten and all grains. Grains contain anti-nutrients that irritate and inflame the bowel wall.
- Insufficient fiber intake (lack of leafy greens and vegetable intake)
- Dehydration
- Food sensitivities. Common culprits for almost everyone include wheat, dairy, gluten, sugar, corn, artificial sweeteners, peanuts and egg whites. Aside from the top offenders, you can be eating the healthiest of foods and these are the very foods you're sensitive to. That’s why it’s important to identify your personal hidden food sensitivities with an IgG test.
- Antidepressants, opiates, antacids, antibiotics, iron supplements, and many prescription and OTC medications
- Long-term chronic constipation is almost caused by gut dysbiosis, decreased peristalsis, leaky gut, small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO), Candida or parasites, Pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Insufficient bifidobacter, a species of bacteria in the colon
- HCL deficiency, hypochlorhydria (lack of stomach acid) and insufficient production of bile and digestive enzymes.
Other common causes for constipation
- Gallbladder/Bile congestion with a need for bile salts
- Pregnancy can cause temporary constipation
- Some diseases (Parkinson’s diabetes, kidney disease, colon cancer, neurological disorders or muscular diseases)
- Environmental toxins. Aluminum and other heavy metal toxicity.
- Low thyroid function
- Low serotonin
- Magnesium deficiency
- Lack of exercise
- Excess iron found in some baby formulas. Extra iron is quite toxic for most babies and can contribute to constipation and other problems such as infections.
- Sympathetic dominance, chronic stress, anxiety and unresolved emotional issues
- Pyloric or ileocecal valve dysfunction
- Pelvic floor disorder
- Laxative overuse and abuse. Laxatives are the third top selling item at drug stores and roughly $725 million is spent annually on laxatives.
The good news is that you can cure constipation with the following dietary, lifestyle and nutritional remedies.
Natural Remedies to Cure Constipation and Maintain a Healthy Colon
Diet: Food is Medicine or Food is Poison
- Always start by modifying the diet. Eliminate all greasy, fried and processed foods, sugar, peanut butter, artificial sweeteners and GMOs, which wreak havoc on your gut. Strictly limit offending foods: all grains (including whole grains), gluten and sugar, which are very difficult on digestion and culprits that trigger constipation and weaken the intestinal wall. Cutting grains and sugar intake will slash colon cancer risk, improve digestion and bowel function, and improve your health in a wide variety of other ways as well. It’s especially important to avoid ALL dairy products, except butter. Lactose intolerance is a major cause of constipation in children. Avoid all processed factory-farmed frankenmeats.
- Drink plenty of clean, filtered water every day. Constipation is often a symptom of dehydration. This is especially important to pay attention to while traveling. Drink a cup of lime or lemon water with a pinch of Celtic sea salt upon rising.
- Fiber is key. Increase intake of non-starchy vegetables, leafy greens and low sugar fruits, NOT grains and starches. Eat more artichokes, asparagus, onions, garlic and chicory root. Chia seeds, freshly ground flax seeds and nuts. Daily green drinks. Additional fiber can be obtained by supplementing with a quality fiber powder, which can be found here.
- Don’t skimp on fats, specifically coconut oil, organic ground flax seeds, chia seeds, nuts and seeds, avocados and pastured grass-fed butter, which is rich in gut healthy butyric acid.
- Include grass-fed butter only such as Kerrygold butter. Butyric acid found in butter is a short-chain fatty acid produced by friendly colon bacteria from fully digested fiber. Without enough butyrate, your colon doesn’t do a very good job of resisting carcinogens.
- Fermented foods such as sauerkraut or kefir
- Bone broth
- Teas: Dandelion root, senna, yerba mate, green tea, ginger, Smooth Move
- Organic homemade apple sauce, especially helpful for kids who are constipated. Add raisins that have been soaked in senna tea.
- One tablespoon sesame oil taken before bedtime.
- Aloe vera juice in the morning
- Avoid carbonated drinks and chewing gum.
- Include healthy herbs and spices like turmeric, cumin, garlic, coriander and ginger, which stimulate digestive fire.
- Heal the gut. Many functional experts agree that 90 percent of all disease starts in the bowel. Even the brilliant and ancient physician, Hippocrates quoted that “all disease starts in the gut.”
It is extremely important to identify the root cause of gut dysfunction to heal and optimize gut function. Possible causes include HCL deficiency, bacterial overgrowth, lack of healthy flora, gut pathogens such as H. pylori, Candida or parasites, SIBO, IBS, leaky gut or intestinal permeability.
Testing: a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) is a test that screens for pathogenic organisms including parasites, levels of yeast, and determines and measures major species of good and bad gut flora that reside in your gut, intestinal pH, secretory IgA and a number of other factors. Order your test kit here!
- When you sit on the toilet, place your feet on a stool so your knees are raised.
- Pay attention to stress in your life, which affects digestion and elimination.
- Certain yoga asanas especially twists, forward folds, and inversions stimulate digestive fire and are very effective to cure constipation.
- Maintain a good sleep routine.
- Daily exercise. Rebounding. Take a walk after meals.
- Address underlying emotions. Let go of what you’re holding onto. Release old ideas.
- Optimize digestion with these tips.
- Avoid prescription and OTC drugs, antacids, iron supplements and laxatives.
- Use the bathroom when you have the urge. Do not hold it.
- Rule out an underactive thyroid or irritable bowel syndrome (both of which can be an underlying cause of constipation).
- Optimize liver function.
- Learn to s-l-o-w down, relax and activate the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system. Practice deep, full belly breathing and relaxation techniques every day. Soak in an Epsom salt bath, listen to your favorite music, meditate, walk in nature, read something spiritual or any other activity you enjoy.
- Apply castor oil compresses over the abdomen, 2-3x weekly.
- Acupressure. Place your fingertips below the navel and gently push in about an inch. Hold for 3 minutes while taking deep slow breaths.
Nutrient support
Primary: For colon health as well as regularity of bowel movements, it’s important to address balanced gut flora and magnesium intake.
- A high-quality probiotic that contains Bifidobacterium
- HCL with digestive enzymes. Supplements won’t do you much good if your system isn’t able to absorb them efficiently. Most people, especially as they age have insufficient levels of stomach acid, which interferes with proper digestion and absorption. Optimize digestion and a healthy functioning colon by first supplementing with either Betaine Plus HP or Digestzymes or BioGest at every meal to ensure adequate levels of stomach acid.
- Magnesium glycinate taken before bedtime up to bowel tolerance. Epidemiologic studies have suggested that low magnesium may be associated with higher rates of colorectal cancer among other diseases.
- Vitamin C to bowel tolerance
- Fiber powder that contains apple pectin
- Supplementing with Butyric Cal:Mag can eliminate polyps and reduces the inflammatory condition of the mucosal walls of the intestines by reducing intracellular seepage of undigested food particles.
- Beta TCP
- Vitamin D (Bio D Mulsion Forte)
- Milk thistle or Livotrit
- Methylfolate or Methylguard
- Essential fatty acids
- L-glutamine powder
Other natural remedies include:
- Raw apple cider vinegar in a small amount of water with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a pinch of Celtic sea salt taken before meals.
- Aloe vera juice in the morning and before bedtime.
- One tablespoon sesame oil taken before bedtime often provides overnight relief.
- Drink one tablespoon of olive oil mixed with 2 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice before bedtime.
As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner, my philosophy is to identify the root cause why you’re experiencing constipation and any underlying health issues, slowly "peel away the layers of the onion," and design a healing protocol and comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, experience vibrant health, balanced hormones, a healthy gut, and look, think and feel better than ever for a lifetime. I consult with men and women around the world and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!
Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.
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Sources available upon request.
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