Aisle be damned- Rishi Piparaiya

It had been several months since I had bought a book from a physical store. I saw this book- Aisle be damned, written by Rishi Piparaiya in a book exhibition in our campus. The MRP was Rs 250 and I was told it carried a 20% discount, which meant Rs 200.

I checked on flipkart, it was retailing at Rs 159, but carried a Rs 40 delivery charge. I weighed my option- buy at Rs 159+40 Rs delivery charge, or buy few more books worth Rs 350 to qualify for free delivery or buy on the spot for Rs 200. After few uncertain moments, bought the book on the spot.

I was expecting it to be little serious and more informative, but the book is more fun oriented. For example, I was expecting tips on how to make the most of airline miles and leverage them for upgrades and free flights. There was no such tip in the book. [But this article- on how a civil engineer earned life time of free flights by buying a pudding is really inspiring]. Author's guideline to try business class upgrade is looking for middle aged, authoritative counter staff and try commanding an upgrade by impressing her with branded jacket.

But otherwise, book entertains with various aspects of flying- how to select a seat, dealing with airport taxies, some real life incidents and so on.

Couple of points are really worth pondering
- Why is that despite so much of technology advancement we're still required to switch off our phones?
- How practical are tourist tax refund schemes?
- If you start with 50$, convert into local currency, then convert local currency back to USD and repeat this loop till all money is gone, how many iterations would your money last?-

Some tips are really useful
- Collecting soiled food plates is probably the most annoying task for a flight attendant. Try to return a cleaner, well packed used meal tray and you might win their heart.
- Always keep your bags in overhead bins ahead of you. If you keep it few rows behind, reaching it post landing will be like swimming against the flood.

Author writes that he's getting 10% loyalty on book sales. I hope it is on MRP and not the discounted price. Author's wishlist for future of air travel, & the bonus chapter are interesting.

  • Title: Aisle be damned
  • Author: Rishi Piparaiya
  • Publishers: Jaico
  • Genre: Business/Humor
  • ISBN 13 : 978-81-8495-465-4
  • Pages: 214
  • MRP:  Rs 250 
All in all it is a more entertaining book than tips & tricks book. Do read if you're regular air traveler.

Rishi can be reached on twitter at @rishipiparaiya

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