Acid Rain Program
The Acidifying Emissions Task Group submitted its report Towards a National Acid Rain Strategy to the National Air Issues Coordinating Committee. The report responds to the request of the Energy and Environment Ministers for federal and provincial governments to develop a long-term acid rain strategy to mitigate the environmental and human health effects of acidifying emissions.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment released a comprehensive review package of environmental regulations that included the consolidation of the four acid rain regulations into a single regulation.
Following the release of an "Integrated Independent Performance Assessment" of its nuclear operations, Ontario Hydro announced, on 13 August 1997, that it would lay up indefinitely seven of its 19 operating nuclear power stations (the four Pickering A units and the remaining three Bruce A units). To replace the electricity generated by these Pickering and Bruce units, Ontario Hydro announced that it would operate existing fossil plants such as Nanticoke and Lambton at higher levels and bring the mothballed units at the Lennox station back on stream.
The increased burning of fossil fuels is expected to add about 80 kilotonnes/year to Ontario Hydro’s SO2 emissions. As these emissions are currently about 85 kilotonnes/year, it is anticipated that Ontario Hydro will continue to operate within its regulated limit of 175 kilotonnes SO2. Total emissions for Ontario will also increase but will remain within the limit set by the Eastern Canada Acid Rain Program.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment released a comprehensive review package of environmental regulations that included the consolidation of the four acid rain regulations into a single regulation.
Following the release of an "Integrated Independent Performance Assessment" of its nuclear operations, Ontario Hydro announced, on 13 August 1997, that it would lay up indefinitely seven of its 19 operating nuclear power stations (the four Pickering A units and the remaining three Bruce A units). To replace the electricity generated by these Pickering and Bruce units, Ontario Hydro announced that it would operate existing fossil plants such as Nanticoke and Lambton at higher levels and bring the mothballed units at the Lennox station back on stream.
The increased burning of fossil fuels is expected to add about 80 kilotonnes/year to Ontario Hydro’s SO2 emissions. As these emissions are currently about 85 kilotonnes/year, it is anticipated that Ontario Hydro will continue to operate within its regulated limit of 175 kilotonnes SO2. Total emissions for Ontario will also increase but will remain within the limit set by the Eastern Canada Acid Rain Program.
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