Sulphuric Acid Rain

The technology and industries are so much developing that there is least botheration about the atmosphere. Acid rain is one such thing caused by result of air pollution. Acid rain in general, brings down all the sulphur and nitrogen compounds present in the atmosphere. It is a problem present all over the world.A pH scale could be used to measure acid rain. Acidity increases with decrease in pH value.


The industries that generally emits smoke and fumes have high sulphur content in it. This reacts with the oxygen in the air and produces sulphur dioxide (SO2). The clouds already have O2  and H2O in it. When all the substance react chemically, sulphuric acid is formed.

The simple formula is
SO2 + O2 + H2 O = H2SO4

The above said reactions may take a long time to complete. Hence it is not necessary for the acid rain to occur only from the source of pollution area. The wind may carry away the clouds and so the acid rain may occur even hundred kilometers from polluted area.

Acid rain just doesn’t affect the life of a human being. It even destroys forests and buildings and rivers. Below is the list of effects caused due to acid rain.
  • The acid rain reduces the productivity of agricultural crops by releasing aluminum after reacting with the soil, which is a very harmful substance.
  • It damages and destroys the leaves that make the trees unable to perform photosynthesize.
  • It also pollutes the water thus making the aquatic animals difficult to survive.
  • Every building erodes by times. But acid rain is so bad that it makes the erosion process happen faster.
  • They also release harmful ions into the water.
  • They degrade many rich contents like magnesium and calcium from the soil.
  • If the acidity level is high, then they can harm humans by creating a burning sensation in the body.

Nothing is too late when started by now. The following steps could be adhered to minimize the formation of acid rain.
  • It is better to cycle or walk to reach nearby place rather than driving a car. Public transports could also be used for the same.
  • The various steps to control pollution should be identified and the same should be implemented.
  • Switching to use of renewable energy like wind and water is also an excellent step to be taken.
  • People should stop burning rubbish things as it might lead to harmful substances in air.
  • The resource used should be less and only when needed.
  • It is also good to plant trees as they might absorb some polluted air and give out fresh oxygen.
  • In order to restore the damage done by acid rain, limestone can be mixed in water to neutralize it.
On the final note, apart from following the above points, one should also make it necessary to educate other people so that we can live a healthy life.

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