McLaren MP4-12C Destroyed at Goldrush Rally
The Goldrush Rally is a yearly convoy of high-end cars, where for just a $14,000 entry fee you can travel with the 'in crowd' and enjoy all the debauchery money can buy as you hop from five star to hotel to five star resort. It is not a rally for charity, the entry fee does not go to a worthy cause, it is just about being seen being opulent, attending parties, and getting your picture taken with the girls and cars. But I am sure one member would like to see these pictures disappear.
According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, Hsinho Chen, of Massachusetts lost control of the car he was piloting while traveling at a high rate of speed on interstate 30, near Mt. Vernon. According to Chen he swerved to avoid a truck that was doing the speed limit but had pulled out into the passing lane in front of him. After losing control, the car was sent flying through a fence and ended up resting against a mini storage building. Chen and his passenger were not hurt, however, the car was a total loss.
The McLaren, valued at $268,000 suffered a crash so violent that the rear suspension was ripped from the vehicle. Chen was ticketed for reckless driving, but that might not be the most expensive part of this story for Mr. Chen. The car was not his, but a $2,900 a day rental from Black & White Car Rental in Los Angeles. Some members of the media attempted to get in touch with Black & White, but the company has yet to respond., Longview, Jacksonville, Texas | ETX News
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