Open access, peer-reviewed Human Evolution resources

Updated with new content: October 30, 2013

I'm pleased announce a new open access, peer-reviewed resource for students and educators interested in human evolution and biological anthropology in general.

We've launched three rooms in the brand new Biological Anthropology series
1. Scientific Underpinnings
2. Living Primates
3. Human Fossil Record... which includes the following articles:
See also

I'm pointing you specifically to the Human Fossil Record resources within the Biological Anthropology topic because I am the editor for those (with by far most of the work done by the authors and the reviewers), but I hope you stumble on the useful resources located in the other two BioAnth rooms and also under "Genetics" and "Ecology" as well.

To fill in some of the (present) gaps in our room at Scitable, or to complement it, you might want to check out these articles in the special Paleoanthropology issue in EEO that are now available to all with an Internet connection!

And you can also, thanks to open access, download all of the (yes, all, not just the latest) Australopithecus sediba papers:

[update July 20]... and all these papers on the evolution of early Homo:

I just couldn't wait any longer to announce this resource in spite of the kinks: (1) many of these articles were written in 2011 but due to delays on the production end weren't posted until recently;  (2) seven more articles for the Human Fossil Record room are complete and have been for a while but are still undergoing production; (3)  some of the articles are not listed in the correct (or any) room or topic though they clearly exist and are retrievable via Google, which prompted me to list them here all together; (4) many of the articles were written with others in mind and have parenthetical dead links to others that are not yet posted.

I will update this list as more articles become available. As I learn more I'll let you know if this resource will continue to grow, with existing articles being updated over time, or not.

Here's to finding these articles to be useful in your courses or for your personal edification! Thanks for your patience as the kinks get worked out and the gaps in knowledge get filled in. And thanks to the authors and the reviewers!

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