



Greetings in Jesus Christ precious name.

How are you sir and how is your dad? We are praying for you whenever we pray.
We are feeling so happy to share the good news about Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. We kept Passover on 24th March night.  970 people attended to the Feast at this time. Most of them are from different places. Many attended from very far distance also. Some local people also attended. We kept PO and  FULB for 3 days in one place. There was a great revival in this year. Really we are gathering fruits to our efforts.  400 believers participated in Bread and grape juice.

 Before the end of  3 days  some brothers and some  sisters forced me to keep the feast of Unleavened Bread for  the remaining  days. These are inspired while they are hearing the messages during first  2 days. They are forced many times for  FULB to keep them as commanded in the Bible for total 7 days. That is why  we kept  Feast of Unleavened Bread in another place with these believers and their children.  We did not eat any leavened food during these 8 days.

3 days rent for hall : 10,000 rupees.(where we kept Lord’s Supper and 2 days for FULB).

5 days rent for church ground and church and all their utensils, pendals, plates ,electrical bill, sound system, generator, water bill etc.  : 10,000 rupees.(another place). This is so cheap. They reduced price for me only. They are Sunday Keepers. They know that I am preaching sound doctrines and not sending photos to Sponsors and not taking video at least. These Sunday keepers are also attended to our feasts.
Mutton :34,000 rupees (85 kgs. Mutton curry for 24th night only).
Meals for total 8 days: 30,500 rupees.(vegetarian meals only).
Fee for  Cook on 24th night only:1,500 rupees.
Offerings : 12,560 rupees.
Total money we spent : 86,000 rupees.
Total due we have to pay : 73,440 rupees.

The believers who kept Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread accepted to give money to pay monthly according to their blessings. We borrowed money 50,000 rupees (without interest) from one creditor and 40,000 rupees(with interest)  from another creditor.  After the feast we paid 12,000 to one creditor who gave us money with two rupee interest per month.

The people who attended from different places told to people that they should not take any photos or videos during feasts or in this premises.  In India it is so common to take photos and videos during convocations and Christmas etc. They are getting much money in this way to send them to their sponsors.  That is why I am not sending any photos to you.
Few years back one Hindu got nearly 40 lacs from RCM Church and caught by police by inquiry of them. So many are not believing who are taking photos or viedos.So don't misunderstand me for not sending photos.  I will send you one day if the time permits me.

This year is AMAZING In my ministry. 

 We crossed again another milestone in my ministry. We are preparing ground before your visit. 
The time didn't allow me to send mail and the Translator is busy at that time too. I gave your message to the translator , he told me that he will give me 9th April. So please send me money to print and distribute this new message as our Lord is blessing you.
Many asked me your messages. I gave them old ones and new ones which are filed in my file. So I  don't have any copies of your messages. All your articles are wonderful they are sending their greetings to you. I told them that you will visit their places one day.

We are eagerly waiting for your reply.

Thank you,
Manasseh, Evangelist,






Keith Hunt

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