A FEW new movies
A good one for suspense, kinda have you on the edge of the seat suspense. For suspense movies will give it 8.5 out of 10. Great acting by the young girl star of the movie.
OZ - The Great and Powerful.
An okay movie for a take-off of the kids favorite "Jack and the Bean-stork" - of course the department of "special effects" was in on this one. For a family type movie that the kids should enjoy, will give it a 7 out of 10.
I think I commented on "The Life of Pi" before, will again. 3D is nowhere near as good as Avitar though they want you to believe it is. I would put it in the "okay" movie, one to see but not that special per se.
ARGO - an interesting movie, based on true events, had some suspense times, but for me was not anywhere near the acclaim it has received.
GANGSTER SQUAD - a true events movie, very interesting as most like me never knew such happened in L.A. way back when. Some raw violence, but I did enjoy it. For the type of true violence history movies I will give it an 8.5 out of 10. For the main character it all ends well. And Sean Penn once more shows his super acting gifts as the bad guy who finally gets his empire seeking kingdom smashed.
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