How Long Does it Take for a Cough to Clear Up?
According to a telephone survey of 493 adults, the lay-public expect the cough to clear up in 7 to 9 days.
Now, is this one week guess actually true?
Not at all... In reality, it takes about 17.8 days on average.
This number was determined on a recent study that reviewed 19 prior studies that determined how long a cough lasts for.
It should also be mentioned that taking antibiotics does little to shorten this duration, especially given most upper respiratory infections are due to viruses.
In any case, the disconnect between patient expectations and reality in cough duration probably leads to some frustration between physicians and their patients.
How Long Does a Cough Last? Comparing Patients’ Expectations With Data From a Systematic Review of the Literature. Annals of Family Medicine. doi: 10.1370/afm.1430 Ann Fam Med January/February 2013 vol. 11 no. 1 5-13
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