Truth marches on!!
A couple from Texas, are also here with 5 children, so we have a house full right now. The name of the couple are John and Jess.
John is from the USA while Jess is from the Philippines. She came over to the USA when two years old.
I asked her how she got in contact with Tara. She said she was questioning which day was the Sabbath, from whatever she was reading. And she came across Tara's website and for a week read just about everything Tara has written on her website. Jess noticed Tara had a "forum" and asked to be on it.
So the truth kept rolling on for Jess.
God is still working in the lives of people all around the earth, and in North America.
The Eternal has many ways to call people to His truths and way of life.
The Internet and now Youtube is certainly one of them.
What a fantastic blessing and open door to have the Internet and Youtube, virtually free. I pay just a small amount to my server for my website, to have no adds appear.
A servant of the Lord, by the name of Manesseh in India has many of my studies translated into the local language and off he goes delivering them to whoever wants them. The work for the Lord he does is bearing fruits.
The Eternal God has promised that His word will go forth and will not return to Him void. That is the time we are in right now, but Jesus also said the night (darkness of great deception and control of truth being suppressed) was coming when no one would be able to work (as it is today to spread the Gospel).
So rejoice in this wonderful time of the Gospel going forth and people being called to salvation and the Kingdom of God. I praise the Lord for John and Jess as they walk in the light of the world of God.
Just one more thing that has made this Feast of Tabernacles that much more exciting for me.
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