Trumpets and Atonement Feasts!!

So we have again come to the Feast of Atonement. The Feast of Trumpets has already come and gone.

During that latter Feast I was working on the subject of "JUDGMENT" - now under "All about God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit" on my website.

Today is the evening of the Feast of Atonement, and I've done more on the subject of SIN under the same section above.

Atonement is being indeed at-one with God. And to know how to be at one with God means you have to understand what the Bible says on the subject of sin. Yes, not a pleasant subject for most. I mean not many like to be told they are sinners, in need of REPENTANCE! And still less want to be told that after repentance, you have to change your way of living to conform to the will and ways of the Eternal God.

People like to hear about  grace" - "mercy" - "forgiveness"  -  but  sin  and  repentance,  nope most ain't so pleased to hear they are sinners, and to receive mercy, grace ..... well there is a condition ..... you have to REPENT of sin and accept Jesus Christ as your PERSONAL Savior.

If you are willing to go and study my studies I'm in the process of uploading on the subject of sin, you will discover the Bible, has MUCH to say on the topic.

The Feast of Atonement is the time in history when Satan will be chained up, and the nations of the earth will over a period of time (the Bible does not say how long) after Jesus has literally returned to earth, come to be AT ONE with God. Sin will have to be acknowledged, from the smallest sin (as humans would think of it) to the largest sin, or as Jesus put it in the Gospels  - the "greater sin."

The world is YET to come to the place where all nations are just about to be wiped off the face of the earth, because of deception and sin. Sadly it is going to take that scenario for the nations to admit their way of doing things has been wrong, and has led to obliteration.....well as Jesus said, if He did not return no flesh would be saved alive - it's in Matthew 24.

If I was given the opportunity to preach in front of the United Nations (where all nations - representatives - were present)  and I powerfully told them what sin was, getting very specific, like including abortion on demand/planned abortion by many nations and Sabbath breaking. I would be laughed and hooted down, certainly not taken seriously. So it is going to take the nations of the world to be brought to their knees, gasping for their last breath of life, destruction all around them, millions having to die, even natural forces going berserk, to get those still alive to admit their sins, wrong ways of living, and to be willing to accept the laws, rules, and commandments of the Lord.

So we who are fasting today - no food or drink - if we feel a little discomfort as the hours move along, it is in part for us to soberly remember what this world must go through to eventually be AT ONE with God and Christ.

We look forward to what the coming Feast of Tabernacles pictures for us - the 1,000 years of the age to come - Jesus and the glorified saints ruling the whole world in righteousness. But before that age comes........ we have to go through what it will take for the earth and its nations to be AT ONE with God the Father.

So this Feast day is a bitter/sweet Feast. Yet when all is done the SWEET will make the bitter soon forgotten, for the sweet will lead us into a wonderful new age.

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