The Great Feast of TABERNACLES!!

The GREAT feast of Tabernacles is a seven day feast - 7 is the number of perfection used by God in His word.

How the world needs perfection to come on all its people and nations.

The prophecies of the word of the Lord, have LOTS of BAD news for us.....sad to tell you , but it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

The Feast of AT-ONE-MENT was about the unpleasant way the world is going to get AT-ONE with God.

But beyond all the horrific way this age will come to a close, we do have many, yes many, prophecies that tells us about the age to come - the perfect human age, well as near perfect for humans as it can be.

It will be an age when the knowledge of God will cover this earth as the waters cover the sea beds, and some of those waters are MILES deep!!

It is hard right now for the human mind to comprehend a world so filled with the knowledge of God, miles deep knowledge, but the Eternal has said it will come to pass.... it is written, and so it will be one day.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, starting Sunday - September 30th at sunset, and for 7 days, it is time to REJOICE, it is time to enjoy the good physical things of this earth. It is time to smile, be happy,
rejoice, lift up your heart and mind.

It is time to read the MANY Scriptures about the age to come. If you have not done so, maybe it is time to high-light in yellow all the passages in the Bible, that talk about the age to come, when the Messiah Jesus will be here once more in person, to establish the Kingdom of God over all nations; to rule from Jerusalem; the time when the word of the Lord shall go forth from Zion, and the law of God from Jerusalem. It will be a time when people will WANT to be TAUGHT the WAYS of the Lord.  It will be a time when spiritual blindness will be  a thing of the past; a time when only TRUTH will be taught, when people will actually DESIRE, HUNGER, THIRST, for TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Human words cannot explain fully that super age to come; we can read something about it from the word of God, but to try and wrap our minds around the literal reality of what it will be like.....well as the apostle Paul said, we sometimes look into a glass darkly, but one day we shall know even as we are known.

The age to come will be an age of just about zero SIN!  Wow....that alone blows the mind; try to imagine all nations and peoples with just about zero blows the mind.

And try to imagine ONLY a world of TRUTH!!  No more falsehood, deception, lies, perverted religions, false doctrines. Try to imagine a world without Satan and the demons going about continually  pouring out every kind of deception that anyone could possibly think up. I tell you, there are hundreds, nay thousands, of every type of deception ..... Satan has a deception for everyone - rich or poor, great or small, famous or unknown. Think about a world where there is only TRUTH!  Today, if you want THE truth you have to hunt for it, strive after it, search for it, desire it, seek it oh my you have to put time in, hours in, searching for the truth from all the error. I think back to when I was 18, 19, 20, and the hours upon hours I put in searching for the TRUTH, as opposed to the many errors in Christian religion. And it was not just when I was a young guy; over the last 30 years I've been busy want to be corrected and wanting to move ever into more truth. You have to love truth; you have to want it like wanting cold water after being out in the middle of a hot desert for the day without water.
I mean you must desire it with all your very being; you must cry out to the Lord for it. Then you WILL HAVE IT, for Jesus said to His true disciples that when the Spirit would come, the Spirit would guide you into ALL truth, the all of truth that really matters for your spiritual well-being and salvation.

This website is dedicated to truth. I do not care who you are, how old you are, how long you've been studying the Bible, I guarantee, if you read and study EVERY article on this website, you are going to find TRUTH you never had before.

I hope you LOVE truth...... if you do then you can have a wonderful truth time during this BEAUTIFUL and GREAT feast of TABERNACLES.


Oh yes.......I'll be traveling to observe this Feast with sister Tara Chapman and family and others, down in the USA; please, would appreciate you keep me in your prayers as I travel, fellowship, and yes this time around bring a few sermons.

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