The fanatic Arabs!
Now I wonder if the Arabs burnt the Christian Bible or the Old Testament Jewish Bible, there would be such a violent reaction, I kinda doubt it very much. Christians would say Jesus taught we would come under persecution, so what is new under heaven.
But the Arabs .... well a segment of them .... they are ready to do violence if the Koran or Mohammed is "done evil to" as they would call it - blasphemy they would call it.
So this leads me to Daniel 11:40 and at the time of the end the "king of the south" (which will be an Arab union of nations) PUSHING AT the "king of the north" (a resurrected Holy Roman Empire in Europe). It makes me have to wonder if the pushing at from the Arabs, is "religiously" motivated.
It could contain many other things also, but maybe religion is a good part of it all.
The Roman Catholic Holy Roman Empire, will come against Egypt and other Arab nation and win the battle.
It will be right at the end of this age, for Europe, the Beast of Revelation, will march on into the Holy Land and circle Jerusalem and bring destruction on that city ..... and as Daniel 12 goes on to say, a time of trouble will come on this earth like no other time in the history of man, so great it will be that Jesus will have to return to put an end to it, or no flesh would be saved alive.
It's all expounded for you in my many many studies on Bible Prophecy on my website.
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