The summer of 2012

We've had a very fine horsesrcool summer camp for children and adults. 8 straight weeks - Monday to Friday.

Just finished yesterday the 8th camp. All kids and parents had a great time, all went well....a few fell off their pony but not hurt in any way but their ego. And not even that for everyone knows if you ride horses or ponies enough times, you are going to come off at some time. As one ex USA Show Jumping champion wrote in his book, "If you've never fall off a horse you haven't done much riding."

I have put some videos up on my Youtube (1horsesrcool) of the summer time.

Will head out tomorrow to visit my Dad once again, about a 7 hour drive west of Calgary. Will come back next Friday - August 31st.

Will have no access to a computer so will not be writing or doing anything on my website, youtube, blog, until next Sabbath.

The Fall Feasts are around the corner and this year for the Feast of Tabernacles will be flying to the USA to keep that Feast and Last Great Feast, with Tara and Nathan Chapman, MO State way. It looks like some others will be with us also, so should be a nice "house - back yard" Feast of Tabernacles.
Well more about that as we get closer ...... feast of Trumpets and Atonement before the last two feasts.

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