Natural Remedies for Migraines & Headache Relief

More than 300 million people worldwide experience severe or debilitating headaches. Migraines alone affect more than 10 million individuals with 75 percent of migraine sufferers being women. The incidence of those who suffer from migraine headaches has increased nearly 50 percent within the last twenty years.  

There are various types of headaches, including pituitary (pressure type headaches), ovarian (menstrual type), hypoglycemic (worse on an empty stomach), periodic, adrenal, thyroid, hepatic, sinus, occipital, aneurysm, menopausal, and food allergy or intolerance.

Common and often overlooked triggers for a significant number of headache sufferers are food sensitivities, eating processed and packaged foods, artificial sweeteners, and dehydration.

Pre-Disposing Factors & Potential Headache Triggers

Although this list is lengthy, it’s extremely important that the following be addressed and ruled out to accurately determine the underlying reason headaches are happening in the first place. Treatment and prevention of migraines requires addressing both the triggers and the underlying causes of the imbalance. Migraines are no different from any other disease, so determining the root cause is crucial.

   * Food allergy/sensitivity * Dehydration * Magnesium deficiency
   * Liver/biliary dysfunction * Reactive hypoglycemia * Healing crisis from detoxing
   * Artificial sweeteners * Chemical triggers * Histamine intolerance
   * Candida, H. pylori; parasites * Excess alcohol or caffeine * Thyroid / Adrenal dysfunction
   * Genetic pre-disposition * Physical exertion * Reaction to Rx drugs
   * Hormonal imbalances * Stress, tension & anxiety * Altered neurotransmitters
   * Strong odors * Infection / Fever * Postural imbalances
   * Heavy metal toxicity * Hypochlorhydria * Amino acid deficiencies
   * TMJ, cranial or spinal subluxation * Eye strain; Chronic computer use * Excess sun exposure; Seasonal changes

As you can see from the lengthy list of headache triggers above, the cause will be different for each person. Hence, the importance of identifying the ROOT cause.

Natural Solutions & Remedies to Prevent Migraines & Relieve Headaches

Dietary suggestions, lifestyle modifications and nutritional support are often helpful for headache relief.


  • Address food intolerances and sensitivities; 85% of those who suffer from headaches have food sensitivities. The top triggers are egg whites, wheat, gluten, dairy, peanuts, artificial sweeteners, corn, soy and MSG. A study reported in The Lancet found that when allergenic foods were eliminated from the diets of migraine sufferers as many as 93 percent of them found relief!
  • Eliminating the following triggers are a must for headache sufferers: aspartame, sucralose, high-fructose corn syrup and all artificial sweeteners, processed salt, gluten, wheat, dairy, MSG, genetically-engineered foods, GMOs, sugar and soda, sulfites, red wine and hard liquor, chocolate, preservatives and additives, nitrates/nitrites, vegetable oils, MSM products and acid-forming foods such as cereal, bread and grains, conventional factory-farmed animal protein and dairy. Avoid excess alcohol consumption. Other items to avoid include nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, all types of peppers, and eggplant), which are inflammatory and problematic for some individuals.
  • Hydrate! Drink a minimum of half your body weight of clean, filtered water every single day.
  • Include foods high in magnesium: dark, leafy greens, fresh seafood and sea greens.
  • Eating just 12-15 raw almonds can provide relief from a headache.
  • Include anti-inflammatory foods: ginger, turmeric (curcumin), cinnamon, chili peppers
  • Eat a diet low in processed, starchy carbohydrates and higher in clean protein, non-starchy veggies, greens and healthy fats. Avocados may lessen migraine frequency.
  • Prevent dips in blood sugar by eating small meals that contain protein throughout the day.
  • Drinking a mixture of raw apple cider vinegar in water will often stop headaches within 30 minutes. Add ginger and raw honey.
  • At first sign of a migraine, drink one to two cups of strong black, organic coffee to prevent blood vessel dilation (avoid if caffeine sensitive).
  • Drink two to three cups organic green tea throughout the day.


  • Acupressure: (1) Headache pressure point is simple to do and one of the most effective methods. Press and hold the area between the thumb and index finger for 9-10 breathing cycles. (2) An acupressure point under the eyebrows at the top ridge of the eye socket causes the pituitary to release pain relieving endorphins. (3) Another acupressure point to relieve headaches, stiff necks and stress is directly beneath the occipital bones located at the base skull.
  • Most headaches arise from digestive tract dysfunction. Very important to identify and rule out underlying causes of gut dysfunction including leaky gut, infections and intestinal toxins (bacterial, fungal, Candida, parasites, SIBO, H. pylori). The processes of digestion, absorption of nutrients, production of SCFAs, pH and gut bacterial balance are all interdependent. Unfortunately, this is seldom if ever checked in migraine patients. Contact my office to order blood tests, stool test and toxic metal testing.
  • Those who suffer with migraines tend to have serotonin deficiency; 95% of serotonin is produced in the gut, not the brain. 
  • Rule out heavy metal body burdens
  • Address hormone imbalances, specifically too much estrogen and not enough progesterone, which can be triggered from chronic stress, consuming too much alcohol, sugar, flour and starchy carbs, lack of exercise and sleep deprivation.
  • Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses are usually caused by thyroid dysfunction, low blood sugar or low adrenal function.
  • Relaxation, deep diaphragmatic breathing and meditation very beneficial. Breathe deeply as you gently massage your temples, forehead and back of neck with lavender, frankincense or peppermint essential oil for 5 minutes.
  • Aromatherapy: Peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, frankincense or sandalwood essential oil applied to the temples, forehead and back of neck.
  • Address sinus problems and sinus infections
  • Optimize gallbladder and liver function.
  • Walking and daily exercise have been shown to reduce frequency of migraines by 25 percent!
  • Yoga poses: reclined bound angle, wide legged forward bend (standing or seated), legs up the wall, supported bridge, seated twists
  • Consider a healthy detox for migraine relief related to chemical and toxic overload.
  • Unplug from technology. Take a digital detox from TV, cell phones, iPad, computers.
  • Consider alternative therapies: biofeedback, acupuncture and acupressure, chiropractic manipulation, reflexology, Tai Chi and massage therapy. Studies have shown that over 80 percent of headache patients find some type of relief for their headaches with chiropractic treatment.

Supplemental support (My favorite products are the one’s the client needs and will be specific to each individual). It’s important to identify your unique vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and the type of headache.

  • Magnesium. Those that suffer migraine headaches tend to be significantly deficient in magnesium and zinc.
  • Butterbur (75mg twice daily), Feverfew and Ginger.
  • Hypoallergenic and high-quality multi-vitamin – BioMulti Plus (iron- & copper free) or BioGlycozyme
  • Molybdenum
  • Omega-3s with GLA – EFA Sirt Supreme (6-15gm/day)
  • CoQ10 (150mg/day) has been shown to be beneficial for preventing and reducing the frequency of migraine attack. Supplementation for 3 months resulted in more than 50% reduction in headache days in 61.3% of 321 patients.
  • Probiotics
  • Beta TCP
  • Riboflavin deficiency tends to be a common deficiency in migraine sufferers. 
  • Vitamins B2, B6, B12, folic acid
  • Vitamins C and E
  • L-glutamine powder: 1 tsp in small amount of water twice daily.

If you suffer from headaches, prevention is the best therapy to reduce migraine frequency, severity, and duration. The above remedies may be beneficial for you. It’s always smart to consult with a professional before treating yourself for any health condition, determine the root cause and the ideal supplement protocol for you.

As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner, my philosophy is to identify the triggers of migraine headaches and the root cause of any underlying health issues, slowly "peel away the layers of the onion," and design a healing protocol and comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, experience vibrant health, balanced hormones, headache relief, and look, think and feel better than ever for a lifetime. I consult with men and women around the world and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!

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