GOOD on Jan Brewer of Arizona
Good for her.
Well we nations of the West (well of the East also) KILL thousands each day.
It should be common scientific sense that when an egg is fertilized by a sperm seed, you have human life. Yes it is just that simple.
If you deliberately with planned pre-thought kill that life, you have murdered a life.
Some pretty simple verses in the Bible PROVE when human life begins. A few studies on my website show you the plain truth of the subject.
This world now likes to kill human life, blood touches blood, as God says in His prophetic books about our nations - it is an endless killing, day after day, week after week, year after year.
What we sow we shall reap. God is no respecter of persons or nations.
All nations that practice abortion on demand - endless killing - blood touching blood, will one day REAP BLOOD, death, destruction.
The world and its nations will before the end of this age go through the punishment of destruction upon destruction, as Jesus said, that if He did not return, NO FLESH would be saved alive.
We like to kill, so we shall be killed, we shall reap what we have sown - we sow death, we shall reap death.
It is good to see SOME leaders will stand up for truth and NOT allow tax-dollars to be paid to abortionists, even going under the words "Planned Parenthood."
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