Back home safe

After spending 5 days with my Dad (about a day's drive from me) I'm back home safe and sound.

Have not heard any world news while away, but the world is still here, muddling along to its final end eventually, but that eventually is still a number of years away.

So will soon get back to the "church history" of the first century AD I started some time back on my website, after leaving off and doing other "history" projects.

My Dad..... doing very well overall for nearly 92. Cannot walk as such but can pull himself out of his wheel chair onto his bed for a rest and get himself up and back into the wheel chair when really to do so. Wheels up and down the Nursing Home like on the wheel chair track, practicing for the Special Olympics I think :-)

One "church" friend I have where my Dad is had this book by some ex "Muslim" guy now turned Christian - nearly 500 pages. Starts out by doing the usual thing these strange mixed Muslim/Christian teaching guys to have had the light go on in his head about truth and truth and more truth, which ends up to be a strange mixture of Muslim and Christian teaching where Christ is number 3.... God Supreme first then Mohammed and then Christ. His book is a mixture of truth and deceptive error, but he insists it's ALL truth.

Where he puts Christ should tell any serious Bible Christian that he's a fruit-nut case, emphasis on "nut" with so much ego and vanity, the book drips with it all over your pans as you read it. Did not read it all, just enough to get my pans dripping with his proud vanity and self-ego-tism.

But like all nut cases he'll probably have thousands believing him. Most serious Christians will not bother reading his book, I'm glad to say.

It all just goes to show how many nutty ideas and teachings are out there. Some of the Roman Catholic and Protestant teachings are nutty enough, but you add some Muslim stuff thrown in and you really get a fanatic, eccentric, crackpot, screwball, oddball, loony, idiot, psychopathic mind-set, from planet Pluto (which scientists voted "not a planet" which is also nutty). Wow put some of the crazy evolutionist scientists with Muslim/Christian mixed teaching and you really have a bag-full of loony people.

So my visit to my Dad's town was not without some education in certain ways. Education that nutty idiot vain people are still well and healthy, sad to say. But such will it be until the end of this age and Jesus comes to bring the Kingdom of God to earth, when the true knowledge of the Lord shall cover this earth as the waters cover the sea beds.

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