The COW industry
It is SICK what do we to produce certain food and drink for human consumption.
SICK is indeed the word, for out of it all maybe it is part of our sick Western world that is caused by our sick practices in the cow (milk and beef) industry that helps along our physical sicknesses.
Also the amount of caffeine we consume in out daily diet (coffee, teas, pops) is WAY too much. What most of us do not realize is that caffeine is put into more things than we ever realize.
It is the same for the "sugar" business - put into more things than we realize to get us hooked onto foods we eat too much of.
It is all a diabolical plan to make us drugged onto foods and drinks we should be eating less of and should not contain sugars and caffein.
We live in a Western world that is far too much driven by the greedy dollar so the heads of these companies can live in million dollar mansions and drive the expensive cars and have homes here and there, while they play the expensive game of golf.
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