Hunger Games ....girls hero?

Well yes they are indeed lining up to see the movie "Hunger Games" - especially all the girls and ladies according to what they showed on ABC news this evening.

Well it's move over Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and James Bond and all the other guy heroes.

But is it really a super girl hero.......well saw the movie yesterday afternoon, and no this leading gal does not come across as the super tough, super emotionally strong, cool as ice, and a fighting tornado. Well not in this first of 3 movies, maybe in the next one a little more and the third one...blasting out in full power machoism.

In this one our gal is unprepared, quite nervous, lots to learn, and actually get beaten by another girl who is about to kill her, when another young guy steps in to rescue her.

So this movie is much more realistic in taking us to the place where our hero gal has to learn a lot and be helped along the way.

Much more realistic than just having this judo-karate super-human gal just there right off the bat.

And not really sure why our real life gal had to shoot arrows hundreds of times daily for this movie, in preparing for this movie, not really much skill shown on this movie on archery per se.

As you'll see if you go see it, our hero gal had and still has, much learning and skill to master the next two movies should be even better.

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