Who will coach SMART Gilas 2?
But here we are, despite the highest FIBA finishes of any Philippine men's basketball team in the last two decades, wondering if Serbian head coach Rajko Toroman will come back to steer the SMART Gilas 2 project that now enjoys the full support of the PBA (as opposed to the first time around, where the team only enjoyed the pro league's support in the latter stages of the project because of some off court drama between parties *cough* Noli Eala's wounded pride *cough*).
Who are the names being thrown around to lead the next batch of Filipino hopefuls? Here's a short list as reported on other sites, and this writer's arguments for (+) /against (-) them.
Toroman: What more do you want from me? |
+ WANTS to come back and coach
+ spread out offense that utilizes our strengths in all positions
+ brings credibility to our recruitment program
+ preaches zone defense (author's note: our idol FireQuinito nicely corrected this one bit that I credited Toroman for, apparently, Toroman isn't that great a zone coach-- which is quite odd given his Euro-training)
+ disciplinarian
+ X's and O's coach
- set to receive big money offers from other international teams
- not the type of coach who develops players (i.e. Japeth Aguilar)
- is a foreigner and usually loses out on crucial decision making scenarios to not offend his Filipino employers (re: Jordan defensive gameplan mishap with the next coach on the list...)
Reyes actually outcoached Toroman in a tune-up game. Real talk. |
+ 100% Filipino
+ champion PBA coach
+ preaches a more free wheeling offense anchored on all-out hustling defense
+ solved Toroman's patented "double high pick" strategy in a practice game and had the SMART Gilas team on their heels
+ player's coach
- has coached the National team before, failed by using the same run and gun system
- despised by some basketball sages which could put the recruiting part at risk
If Ryan Gregorio is named SMART Gilas II head coach, FireQuinito would be the happiest basketblogger on earth. Right? |
+ champion PBA coach
+ player's coach
+ is young, can be related to by his players
- preaches isolation plays to the hilt which is what SMART Gilas shied away from and won with
+ preaches zone defense (author's note: as per FireQuinito. Who is just as dumbfounded as I am. Guess Gregorio deserves his "The Genius" monicker c/o FQ after all.)
- lacks coaching credibility
Norman Black
+ champion PBA and collegiate coach
+ X's and O's coach
+ can develop talent: from bigs (Claiford Arao, Doug Kramer, Rabah Al Hussaini) to guards (J.C. Intal, Eric Salamat)
+ NBA credibility that can be used for recruiting purposes
- might not be released by Ateneo for five-peat purposes
As you can see clearly, this writer is obviously pushing for Norman Black in the event that Toroman isn't brought back to steer SMART Gilas 2. He won't have any problems dealing with the PBA contingent (if they push through with the 15 man pool) since he's a PBA superstar himself, plus, we've seen him solve DLSU's then coach Franz Pumaren's vaunted full court press with relative ease so that's a testament to just how good a coach he is.
Despite all the PBA titles, Gregorio still has a lot of doubters (this writer included) and has yet to take his Meralco Bolts off the ground (playoff-contender wise) while Reyes, who seems to be the frontrunner (and rumored mastermind in Toroman's ouster), had his shot at fame/ power in that bungled Jordan game but blew it by calling for a change in defensive philosophy which opened up the game in our opponent's favor. Then again, who would've known right? Had Reyes' plan worked (which did at first), then who knows what would've happened to our Olympic chances?
The ball's in MVP's court now. Hopefully, whatever his decision is, is for the betterment of the country's basketball program as a whole and not just of a certain person or party.
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