Smart ‘n Simple Detox Tips Safe Enough to do Every Day

Even though we may live longer lives than our grandparents did, our lives are more stressful, much of the food we eat is nutritionally-void and full of chemicals, the air we breathe is more polluted, many people rely on toxic pharmaceutical and OTC drugs, we’re exposed to more hormone-disruptors, pesticides, GMOs and glyphosate that kill our microbiome, and our environment is more toxic than just a few decades ago. Since 1920, U.S. production of synthetic chemicals has increased 100-fold. The average American has hundreds of synthetic compounds, toxins and chemicals in their body.

These poisonous toxins accumulate in the human body over the years and damage our endocrine, immune and nervous systems, brain function, liver and organ health, ability to lose body fat, how we think, feel and look, and our overall health. Toxins and chemicals are in our blood, urine, organs and tissues. Mothers pass on toxins through the umbilical cord…they’re in breast milk and in the cord blood of newborn infants.

The consequences may include chronic fatigue, all sorts of autoimmune diseases, memory loss, premature aging, skin disorders, arthritis, hormone imbalances, ADHD, autism, infertility, anxiety, emotional disorders, weight loss resistance, heart disease, birth defects, food sensitivities, bacterial, yeast, Candida & parasite infections, and cancer, to name but a few.

The Environmental Working Group reports that the average newborn baby has nearly 300 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood! These are babies who have never been exposed to food, yet their bodies are high in many toxins. Hence, the importance of detoxing, ruling out toxic heavy metals, infections such as Candida, bacterial and viral, addressing nutrient deficiencies, and optimizing health at least one year prior to becoming pregnant for both the mother and father-to-be.

Factors that contribute to toxic overload include:

  • Exposure to heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, aluminum and lead, petrochemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, GMOs, glyphosate, plastics and phthalates, flame retardants, xenoestrogens and obesogens, and more!
  • Chemicals in our food, water, air and environment, pharmaceutical and OTC drugs that result in Leaky gut and digestive dysfunction, food allergies, food sensitivities, environmental allergies, Chronic constipation, a disrupted microbiome  
  • Eating inflammatory foods and the standard American diet
  • Mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual congestion
  • Internal toxins such as Candida, fungus, mycotoxins, yeast, parasites, bacterial infections, gum infections and other infections in the mouth 
  • Faulty metabolism of carbohydrates and protein

Toxic overload happens when a toxic substance is absorbed at a rate faster than it can be metabolized and detoxified by the detox system. We overload our intestines, liver and kidneys with toxins, processed foods loaded with chemicals and preservatives, excess sugar, alcohol, environmental toxins and pollution. Overtime, these poisonous toxins and unhealthy habits can trigger a number of problems such as constipation, fatigue, insomnia and consistent awakenings throughout the night, weight loss resistance, headaches, excess visceral fat, memory loss or a lack of mental clarity, diabetes and even cancer (all of which are symptoms of a high toxic load, toxic overload and a sign to make some healthier choices and that you’d benefit from a detox).

Toxic overload disrupts hormones and homeostasis, increases belly fat, risk of illness and disease, brain and mood disorders, makes it very difficult to lose body fat, and impacts how you think, feel and look. Detoxification is the normal body process of elimination or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin.

The number one factor to reduce toxic load (that we have direct control over) is what we choose to eat and drink.

Non-organic veggies and fruits are heavily sprayed and contaminated with pesticides and glyphosate. Factory-farmed animal protein is injected with antibiotics, xenohormones and other poisonous chemicals. Processed and fast foods are full of additives, GMOs, Round Up ready glyphosate, pesticides, HFCS, trans fats, preservatives, wheat, corn, gluten, soy, artificial sweeteners and vegetable oils. We drink, shower and bathe in chlorinated and fluoridated water. All of this poses a heavy burden on our bodies making us fat, sick and toxic.

Other sources of toxic exposure that accumulate in our bodies over time include smog and pollution from the air we breathe, EMFs and dirty electricity, drinking unfiltered water, mycotoxins, heavy metals, obesogens, and chemicals found in toxic cleaning and personal care products, digestive distress, bacterial, yeast or parasites, and emotional toxins.

Signs and symptoms that indicate your body is overloaded with toxins,  you’ve reached your toxic tolerance level and it’s time for a detox: 

       • Consistent low energy and fatigue • Constipation
       • Poor sleep, chronic insomnia • Diet high in sugar & processed foods
       • Mood swings • Muscle pain, aches and spasms
       • Consume high amounts of alcohol • Brain fog, poor memory
       • Frequent headaches and migrains • Skin problems
       • Bloating, gas, digestive problems • Abnormal body odor, bad breath
       • Unexplained weight gain • Brittle nails and hair
       • Chronic stress, depression, anxiety • Sinus problems, sinus infections

Take the Detox Quiz --- Download the Detox Questionnaire.

Smart & Simple Detox Tips (safe enough to do every day) taken from my books, Fat Loss Revolution and The Power of 4. Smile

Implement these smart and simple tips to reverse problems and health complaints caused by toxic overload, maximize your body’s own detoxification capacity, and safely eliminate toxins stored in your body.

Optimize liver, gallbladder and kidney function, and you’ll naturally support detoxification, reduce inflammation, lose body fat, super-charge your metabolism, alleviate constipation, experience less bloating, fewer aches and pains, healthier-looking skin, sleep better, increase energy, plus so much more.

♦ Eliminate inflammatory foods. Start by removing anything that contains trans fats, artificial sweeteners, wheat, and gluten. Then, gradually remove all items containing vegetable oils, processed soy, sugar, soda, corn, dairy products, high-fructose corn syrup, table salt, and GMOs, which are the very items making us fat, sick, depressed and miserable. These very items increase toxic load, create serious nutritional deficiencies, leaky gut, digestive dysfunction, inflammation, hormone imbalances, excess cortisol, depression, anxiety and mood disorders, stimulate fat storing hormones spiking insulin, increase risk of type 2 diabetes, cognitive dysfunction, memory loss and many lifestyle diseases.

♦ Stay away from anything called a diet, including the hCG diet. Diets, extreme fasting and many cleanses that are a major stressor to the body, destructive to metabolism, create hormonal disruption, shut down the thyroid, cause nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, fat storage, and added weight gain once you’re off the diet. The body requires specific nutrients and plenty of protein for the detox process to occur, not starvation, extreme fasting and non-fat dieting.

♦ Eat nutrient-dense real food! Opt for organic vs conventionally-raised and non-organic foods as much as possible. Eat more of these power foods

♦ Eat a variety of high fiber, chlorophyll-rich leafy greens and plenty of non-starchy vegetables to maximize detoxification. Include plenty of asparagus, cucumber, watercress, artichokes, dandelion, moringa, cruciferous veggies, parsley and cilantro helpful for detoxification, water retention and de-bloating. Chlorella, parsley and cilantro are especially helpful for detoxing heavy metals. Green smoothies are a simple solution to get more fiber and fresh veggies and leafy greens in your diet.

♦ “The solution to pollution is dilution.” Drink plenty of clean, filtered water throughout the day. Physiologically water works as a catalyst to most functions within the body. Water is important for eliminating toxins, preventing constipation, backaches, headaches, and a required nutrient for brain health and fat loss.

♦ Start your day with this simple and powerful detox beverage. Upon rising, drink a 12 ounce glass of of water with the juice of a whole fresh lemon or lime to support the liver, create an alkaline environment, stabilize blood sugar and hydrate your body. Add a pinch of unprocessed Celtic sea salt, 2 tablespoons raw, apple cider vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon raw organic honey, and a pinch of cinnamon, ginger and cayenne pepper. 

Install water filters in your home, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. Drink water from glass and avoid plastic BPA water bottles.

♦ Sufficient intake of clean protein and amino acids are necessary for detoxification. Protein helps up-regulate detoxification. Pasture-raised animal protein (not factory-farmed conventional protein), bone broth, clean fish, gelatin and pastured eggs detoxify the body naturally by supplying sulfur-containing amino acids that support liver detoxification pathways.

♦ Drink organic tea: Pau‘d Arco tea, Dandelion tea, organic green tea, Mugwort tea and Yogi DeTox tea.

♦ Raw, organic apple cider vinegar is a powerful detoxifier: Mix 2 tablespoons in an 8 ounce glass of water. Add the juice of a fresh lemon, and a pinch of cayenne and cinnamon. Consume 10 minutes before meals.

♦ Optimizing gut function, healthy digestion and daily elimination are fundamental requirements for optimal health and detoxification. Adequate levels of hydrochloric acid (HCL) are required for optimal digestion and detoxification. Insufficient HCL inhibits detoxification. The Importance of Hydrochloric Acid and How to Balance Stomach Acid Naturally All disease begins in the gut.” ~Hippocrates

♦ Heal Leaky Gut with this 5-Step Formula

Identify the underlying cause of toxic load including toxic heavy metals, mycotoxins, Candida, parasite, bacterial and fungal infections, estrogen dominance, and infections in the mouth.

♦  Lab Testing. Obtain thorough blood testing, a comprehensive digestive stool analysis, and a toxic metal test to identify nutrient deficiencies or excesses, underlying health issues and more! Order your own lab tests here!

♦ Optimize kidney and liver function. Foods that are nourishing for the liver include bitter greens like dandelion greens, apples, beets, artichokes, high-sulfur foods (onions, leeks, garlic, egg yolks), cruciferous veggies, parsley, milk thistle and turmeric. More tips to Love Your Liver. Support your kidneys and bladder with adequate hydration (must avoid dehydration), drink dandelion tea, parsley tea and organic cran-water. Use more parsley and cilantro.

Avoid OTC and Rx drugs, including statin drugs, antacids, antibiotics and Tylenol. Go easy on the booze. Never take Tylenol after drinking alcohol. It’s a deadly combo for your liver and your kidneys.

Excessive alcohol consumption disrupts blood sugar and your sleep, causes hormonal imbalances, liver congestion and toxicity, dehydration, increases estrogen load, stimulates appetite, and adds inches to your waistline.

♦ Eat smaller meals, include protein and practice portion control. Always eat breakfast that includes an organic protein source. Those who consume a diet deficient in protein have trouble detoxifying environmental toxins/pollutants.

♦ Minimize electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. Remove all electrical devices from your sleeping area including your cell phone; avoid using electric blankets and electric heating pads; avoid using your laptop on your lap; don’t carrying your cell phone in your pocket, under your bra strap or on your hip; stop using the microwave oven; switch out fluorescent light bulbs for incandescent bulbs. If you live near power lines, consider moving. Use salt lamps in your home and office. “Dirty Electricity: Tips to Reduce EMF Exposure”

♦ Daily bowel regularity is essential for detoxification. If you’re not having daily bowel movements, toxins are not released and instead accumulate! •••►Constipation Cures 

♦ Breathe deeper. Practice a minimum of 5 minutes of slow, diaphragmatic breathing daily. Deep breathing supports toxin elimination, reduces stress, minimizes hot flashes, increases energy, composes the mind, improves mood, enhances appearance, increases happiness and positively changes physiology on a cellular level.

Yogic breathing helps clear out carbon dioxide from the lung tissue, stimulates the organs of digestion and can, over time, retrain the diaphragm to move freely.

♦ Close up the kitchen by 730pm. Don’t eat after 730pm. This is time for your body to rest and detox, not digest food. Eating too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep, create digestive distress, inhibit production of growth hormone, and minimize the detoxification process.

Sleep, rest and relaxation is crucial, especially during any detox process. Keep a regular sleep schedule. Ideally, lights out and in bed by 10pm and awake by 6am. The body repairs physically and psychologically during sleep. This is a time for your body to balance hormones, repair tissues, restore, recover and regenerate.

Allow yourself time to rest and relax without feeling guilty. Get a daily dose of sunshine (vitamin D). Indulge in a warm bath with Epsom salts, baking soda and a relaxing essential oil such as lavender. Schedule a massage or sauna – both of these increase the effectiveness of detoxification by releasing toxins from your body. Listen to your gut (intuition) and give your body, mind and soul the love and support it needs.

♦ Ditch toxic cleaning, household and skincare products. We’re exposed to thousands of chemicals every single day, many that we can immediately swap out for more natural, chemical-free options.

  • Switch to more natural cleaning products such as white vinegar and baking soda.
  • Use organic, non-toxic skin care products, shampoo, deodorant, sunscreen and cosmetics void of chemicals and obesogens. Some of my favorites that I personally use include Dr. Bonner’s soap, Zum laundry soap, Devita Skincare Products and AnnMarie Skincare.
  • Swap out your plastic storage containers and plastic water bottles for glass, ceramic or other eco-friendly materials.
  • Avoid all artificial air fresheners in your home, office and vehicle. Instead use aromatherapy and essential oils.
  • Replace vinyl shower curtains with a cotton shower curtain.
  • Replace Teflon cookware with stainless steel, ceramic or other eco-friendly cookware.
  • Use non-fluoridated toothpaste only.
  • Install water filters in the shower and kitchen, or an RO system
  • Replace your pillow periodically.
  • Replace your toothbrush every month.

♦ Obesogens. Be cognizant of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and avoid them as much as possible. In a typical day we’re exposed to more than 700 hormone-disrupting chemicals in personal care products and cleaning products, food preservatives, and all sorts of plastics. Read more here to reduce estrogen dominance. Detailed info on obesogens can be found in Fat Loss Revolution and The Power of 4.

♦ Keep a food journal. This is especially helpful during a detox. Doing so can help identify trigger foods your body is sensitive to and those that cause fatigue, sleepiness, digestive flare ups and other problems. Another bonus: research shows that those who journal what they eat tend to lose twice as many pounds and make healthier food choices.

♦ The skin is a major organ of detoxification.

  • Dry skin brushing before you shower stimulates your lymphatic, immune and nervous systems, improves circulation, and allows for greater removal of toxins.
  • Spend time in a sauna. Saunas, especially infrared saunas that accelerate and encourage the release of heavy metals and toxins.
  • Soak in a tub. Add 1/2 apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup sea salt, 6-8 cups Epsom salt, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1 packet ginger powder and 1/4 cup bentonite clay to pull out toxins. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil such as frankincense, lavender or sandalwood.

♦ Practice yoga, Qigong and rebounding. Rebounding (bouncing) on a mini trampoline is extremely beneficial for every cell and organ in your body, flushing the lymphatic system and boosting the immune system.

Yin-style yoga and various yoga poses including twists, legs up the wall and downward dog naturally encourage detoxification not only physically, but also psychologically, emotionally and mentally.

♦ Lose body fat. Toxins accumulate in fat. Those with higher levels of body fat have a higher toxic load. Losing excess body fat causes fat cells to shrink, which results in the release of fat-soluble toxins.

♦ Get your sweat on with your favorite exercise. Exercise is a natural form of detoxification. Brisk walking, sprints, the 10-5-5 workout, the Fat Loss Revolution 12-Week exercise program or any workout you enjoy that cleanses the body of toxins, but don’t overdo it.

♦ Dissolve toxic relationships. Form win-win relationships. Determine who is trustworthy and displays character traits of integrity, honesty and authenticity. Associate with like-minded positive people that support you. Enjoy relationships that nourish your soul and make you feel good.

Fat loss, positivity, success and living a healthy lifestyle are contagious; so is negativity, weight gain and unhealthy lifestyles. Pay attention to your environment and who and what you surround yourself with as it greatly impacts your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

♦ Clear out the clutter and old stuff in your surroundings (home, office and car), your mind and your body.

Create a peaceful environment in your home. De-clutter your home and get rid of old stuff. Go through your kitchen and remove food items that are making you fat, sick and miserable.

♦ Detox your mind. Thoughts are extremely powerful in healing the body, mind and spirit. Nourish your mind with positive thoughts and information. Turn off the news. Minimize time spent with energy vampires and negative people. Generating positive emotions and thoughts is essential to detoxifying your mind. Practice positive affirmations daily. Let go of anything or anyone that pulls or puts you down. Every day list 5 things, people or events you’re grateful for in a gratitude journal. Change your thoughts and you’ll change your life.

♦ Supplement with only high-quality supplements. Detoxification supplement protocols are specific to each and every individual. Probiotics, magnesium, fiber powders and essential fatty acids are basic that are helpful for detoxification.

Honor the process of detoxification. Whenever dietary changes are introduced, and depending on your toxic load, an individual can experience what is known as healing crisis where they feel worse before better. Symptoms may include frequent bowel movements, headaches, fatigue, skin breakouts, etc. Emotional and mental symptoms often occur as well such as feelings of depression, anxiety, irritability, insomnia or mood swings. This is caused by the body’s natural detoxification process. These symptoms subside in a couple of days. Honor the process, value downtime, get more rest and sleep, and listen to your body.

Everyone can benefit from a detox!

Take the Detox Quiz --- Download the Detox Questionnaire.

Do you want to take step it up a notch and take your detox to the next level? Check out the 10 Day Detox Program formulated by Abbas Qutab, M.D. This 10 Day Detox is a healthy program designed to address the most common underlying causes of chronic health challenges. No starvation dieting or fasting on the 10-Day Detox. Eat real food, eliminate inflammatory foods and look and feel better than ever!

As a holistic nutritionist and functional health practitioner, my philosophy is to identify the root cause of any underlying health issues, slowly "peel away the layers of the onion," and design a healing protocol and comprehensive LIFESTYLE plan specific to your unique biochemistry so you can heal, experience vibrant health, balanced hormones, and look, think and feel better than ever for a lifetime. I consult with men and women all over the U.S. and with clients locally in the Phoenix area. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation!

Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.

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