Newsy day
The stats are in on the safety of cars compared to 30,40,50 years ago - good stats - they are much safer, and now side air-bags will soon be in all cars. Seat-belt use is now over 80% in the USA - I find the other percentage still not using them a little (big really) nutting in the head. In Canada seat-belt use has been 99% for years now.
So a couple of "preacher" guys in Florida burnt the koran book - sent the fanatics in Islam religion in Afghanistan I think it was, into a riot and some crazy fanatical leader got them so wound up they ended up killing some UN workers. Well I know "Christians" have killed each other over the centuries (North and South Ireland in recent times - Prots and Caths killing each other), and I guess the middle ages "crusaders" went off to kill Islamic people.
So at times the "religious" (those who say they worship God) nuts go nutty - burning each other's books or killing each other. Pretty sick all the way around. It's the god of this world they serve not the true God.
6 USA troops killed in some big fire-fight in Afghanistan - you'll hear more about it in the coming week.
I've said it many times, and will again; you cannot win a war against hit and run, ambush hit and run, that's exactly how the English Americans defeated the English British to gain freedom from Britain in 1776.
Well the State of Arizona is "thinking" about charging a fine of $50 to obese/smokers/diabetic people who will not follow doctors orders to get on the right diet etc.
It costs the USA $2,600 per year for men who are obese; and $5,000 a year for women who are obese.
It yet has to pass whatever it goes through before it becomes Arizona law.
Yes it was April 1st, so the so-called "fool day" - many foolish tricks were done like some company saying they had high-chairs for dogs to eat meals. Then there was some well-known airline said they had
planes for the long distances that would carry no small children, so people would not be bothered by what small children can do - make a noise. Both these and others were foolish jokes - not true.
But a bullet proof umbrella for the French President?
It WAS TRUE - $20,000 and it will deflect a bullet.
Maybe the USA army will buy thousands of them for their soldiers fighting in Afghanistan!!
You must have seen the ad on the TV....... TWO THIRDS of oil and natural gas used in the USA is FROM NORTH AMERICA!! I bet many did not know that (thinking the USA gets most of its oil from the Arabs) ..... well that is what the USA ad says.
I end this with a nice note:
Remember the recent Tsunami that hit the Japan coast after that earthquake three weeks go, well some dog got on some house roof, was taken out to sea. For three weeks the dog survived, obviously no food, maybe licked some salt water, but people found it out on the sea, and were able to rescue it. Looked in pretty good shape - amazing - just amazing - day and night for three weeks on some house roof out on the sea - what a lucky dog's day it was for him.
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