Do You Have a Damaged Metabolism?
Have you struggled for longer than you care to remember to lose weight or body fat with little if any results despite your efforts? Over the years, clients have come to me frustrated in their failed attempts to lose weight, or they’ve hit the dreaded plateau. They claim, “I’ve tried everything. I eat really healthy. I’m doing everything right.” Upon review of their intake forms, and during the consultation I find the missing pieces. One scenario of what’s happened is that over time their body has become exhausted and is no longer responding. Some are exercising more intensely than ever and eating less, which results in a metabolic disaster and adrenal dysfunction.
Does an individual “lose weight to become healthy” or is it the other way around, “you become healthy to lose weight and keep it off?”
In my 20+ years of helping people lose body fat, feel and look better, and become the healthiest version of themselves results occur without a doubt when people become healthy FIRST. My intent with any client is always focusing on becoming healthy first (way down to the cellular level). And, guess what happens? The person loses body fat automatically, metabolism is restored, they look better than ever and they feel energized and phenomenal.
The first step of action is figuring out why your metabolism may be damaged, which will be different for each individual. Once the cause is determined, the healing and restoration of health can begin.
What Causes a Damaged Metabolism?
- Excessive stress that is unmanaged. Stress comes in many forms and the body does not differentiate between types of stress. It could be a relationship, your job, eating intolerant foods or your workouts.
- Digestive and gastrointestinal disorders, including food sensitivities
- Hormone imbalances: Adrenal dysfunction; a sluggish thyroid; Insulin resistance. Endocrinologist Diana Schwarzbein, M.D. says, “a healthy metabolism has the appropriate balance between anabolic and catabolic reactions.” What does this mean? Hormones must be balanced, specifically insulin and cortisol.
- Eating disorders. Low calorie dieting; hCG diets and consuming a diet deficient in fat and low in protein
- Inflammation overload, which can be a result of food sensitivities, infections, injuries, poor diet and any number of things
- Insufficient protein intake and excessive carbohydrate consumption (grains, soda, sugar, alcohol, etc.)
- Toxic overload from exposure to chemicals, tobacco, xenoestrogens, pesticides, obesogens, antibiotics, heavy metal body burdens, alcohol, Rx, OTC and street drugs
- Skipping meals or long periods of time between meals. Exercising first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Skipping breakfast.
- Failing to balance proteins, healthy fats, and the right type of carbohydrates at each meal
- Sleep deprivation. Getting less than 7-9 hours of restful sleep every night.
- Overtraining and under-recovery. Overdoing aerobic and cardio exercise; Ineffective and inefficient exercise programs.
- Poorly planned vegetarian diets
You must have healthy functioning adrenals and balance blood sugar for a healthy metabolism.
Make an appointment. Schedule a 15-minute phone call to discuss your goals and needs. I consult with clients locally in the Phoenix area and around the world via telephone or Skype. I guarantee to determine the root cause of any underlying healthy issue, heal your metabolism, restore health and bring your body into a state of balance.
Copyright © Paula Owens. All Rights Reserved.
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