God's Law of LOVE

Tara Chapman, a co-worker with me in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, has published her latest book called
"God's Law of Love - The Perfect Law of Liberty."

It is an expounding of the great Ten Commandments of the Lord. Some other people over the last 100 years have written booklets or books on the Ten Commandments of God, but Tara's book in many ways is different and unique; she writes in an up-to-date 21st century manner, that gives added life for a modern world that is now so different from 100 years ago. Tara covers the "inside" or "underneath" commandments also, for the Ten Commandments are really a canopy for many other commandments that go under the canopy of the great Ten. Tara is candid and up-front at times, calling a spade a spade or as we say, "laying the cards on the table" but yet she also gives you lots of wisdom and insight on applying God's law of love.

Here is what is on the back cover of Tara Chapman's book:

Has God's Law, as defined by the Ten Commandments, been "done away," as has been supposed by many? Does the new covenant allow free picking and choosing? Does the fourth commandment not matter
anymore, or did God change the sabbath to another day? Are Christmas and Easter God's holy days? Does grace make the Law unnecessary? Is it okay to erect a sun god statue and other images in our nation to represent liberty? Is God okay with the popular sexual lifestyles our nation's Christian-professing people have? Should true Christians be pro-war? Is it okay to live richly on credit when one is only able to pay the interest?

It is time for our nation to repent and turn back to our liberty-giver, the true God of Israel. God's Law of Love is needed for liberty to thrive. The Ten Commandments still apply today. Find the thorough answers to the questions above and more within the pages of this book.
Tara has intently studied the law of Moses, as given by the God of Israel for nearly seven years, after having an above-average knowledge of the scriptures from childhood. She grew up as a Protestant Baptist and was always confused about certain doctrines, such as the trinity and ever-burning hell, but she came to the knowledge of the truth at the age of twenty-one. She was baptized by an elder into the Church of God, the Body of Christ and has walked in the spirit ever since. Tara has had many life experiences that have taught her that the Law of Love works.

The law of God is one of the two main evidences that the holy Scriptures are true, the other being the prophecies. Tara enjoys learning and teaching about the Scriptures. She lives in the Ozark mountains with her husband, two sons, and daughter. Her husband owns and runs an HVAC business, allowing her to stay home to educate their children and keep their home. Tara loves spending time outdoors with her family and reading. Her favorite topics of study include biology, law, health, and etymologies. She owns and participates in an online community for Christian mothers, and she stays in contact with fellow Christians from a few different nations worldwide, working with them to spread the true gospel. Her websites are: endtimecog.net,
coghealth.net and christianckmothers.com.

Tara's book can be purchased from Amazon.com
It can also come in eBook form
You can contact Tara via email:   contact@endtimecog.net

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