When Russia fought alongside

It's very possible today that most of the younger generation have never been taught and so do not know that there was a time when Russia fought alongside us against the enemy.

It all goes back to World War 2. Hitler with his Nazi army decided to attack Russia and bring the big Russian Bear under his control.

Just finished watching the 4th DVD (the specials) in the series of DVDs called "Love, Hate, and Propaganda" produced by the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).  It is a must DVD set you should have for your education and your children's education. It's a side of the Second World War that YOU have probably never been taught, let alone your children.

Well the Germans were just obliterating the Russians, taking 100s of thousands as prisoners. Stalin wanted anyone who could fight on the front lines.  One day in walks this University student - a girl - and wants to fight at the front line. The inspector laughs at her. She had to take out her target range paper and show him how good a shot she was. She had grown up shooting for fun, and was indeed very good with a scoped rifle. Well she got her wish and was sent to the front line as a sniper to shoot and kill the German enemy. She would write to her friends quite descriptively about her being like a wild animal hunting down the prey, creeping, stalking, hiding, and waiting for the enemy. Her friends gave her writings to the newspapers and she was soon "famous" and led to the inspiration of many other girls taking up the rifle and joining the fighting army of Russia against the Germans.

The young lady that started it all killed 309 German soldiers before she was injured from shrapnel from an explosive. She was famous and feared among the Germans also because she would leave notes on the dead soldiers she had killed.  After her injury she was retired from fighting and was used by the Russians as a propaganda tool to inspire others to stand against the German enemy. She was brought over to the USA and was used for tour lectures to inspire, she met the President of the USA; and she also came to Canada to do the same work of lecturing and inspiring.

The Germans came within a squeak of conquering Russia. It was the Russian winter that actually defeated them, but in the mean time they say in one way or another 20 million plus Russians lost their lives to Hitler and his army in their effort to take Russia.

Yes in that war Russia was our friend and one of our allies, fighting alongside us to defeat the German beast.

Love, Hate, and Propaganda - it will all happen again at the end time. The propaganda that the Beast Power of Europe and the false prophet and "beast" man (of the book of Revelation) will have to use deceptive propaganda (the false prophet will have power to work miracles this time around) of the highest magnitude, to conquer the Western world. And that Beast power of a Holy Roman Empire will again try to take the East (Russia, China, India), and a mighty battle such as the world has never experienced in its history will take place, the battle that IF NOT stopped by the return of Christ, would obliterate every human from off the face of this earth (Mat.24:24).

While I'm speaking of the Second World War, I just recently bought the film "The Dam Busters" - I'd seen it as a kid growing up in England, and remembered how good it was.
On the front it says "A Truly Astonishing Story" and indeed it is. The invention by one man and the flying ability of dozens of RAF men, and the attack on 3 German dams .... well it truly was a true feat of extraordinary ability, to put a huge dint in the German manufacturing war machine.
A true story of unique scope, well worth buying or renting. Put it on your list to see.

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