The Tunisia Truth

On the CBC "As it Happens" radio program tonight, they interviewed a man who brought out some very revealing truths to the recent Tunisia. It was the American Ambassador who first blew the whistle on the LAVISH expensive lifestyle the dictators were living, while all kinds of people had problems. This Ambassador wrote it all back to the USA. Then Wikileaks got hold of it and off it went ..... into the cyber world of the Internet etc.

The uprising was started.

There are about 20 Arab countries that have dictatorship Governments, including Egypt. They are now rightly so, concerned and looking over their shoulder. The USA and other Western nations backed Tunisia and in fact back the other Arab countries. Why? Well the fellow being interviewed said that the West thinks the alternative to Arab dictatorship is an Islam dictatorship, and that they sure do not want to see take place in 20 or so Arab countries.

So things are moving or getting shook up some in one Arab country, and it may spread to more. We know from Bible prophecy that an Arab "king of the south" is to arise, led by Egypt, at the end time, which will irritate enough the "king of the north" - a Europe Beast Holy Roman Empire, which will come crashing down and conquer the south king, then march into Palestine and a time of trouble begins such as never was on earth before and never will be again (all told in Daniel 11:40--Daniel 12).

Keep an eye and and ear on the Arab countries, and on Egypt, which for now is quietly in a dictatorship slumber.

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