Armchair Quarterbacks


by Don Robson

Before imposing my questions for the armchair quarterbacks. I
think it is necessary to provide some information. gleaned from
the Bible. to prepare our answers. My basic contention is that of
Paul found in 2nd Timothy 3:15-17 "All Scripture is given by
inspiration of God. and is profitable for doctrine. for reproof,
for correction, or INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: that the men of
God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

Case 1. We look to the story of Gideon, that "man of valour", so
designated by the Angel of the Lord. We find his challenge in
Judges 6:33. "Then all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the
children of the east were gathered together, and went over and
pitched in the valley of Jezreel." Quite a horde and interesting
in that it included the Amalekitcs, against whom God pledged to
have war from generation to generation, because they attacked
Israel in the wilderness. This was the classic example of Israel
winning with a small army so that the Lord, doing battle for
them, would gain the credit and the heathen would learn of His
power. So, Gideon took his "army", (like a boy scout troop), with
their lamps in earthen pots and their horns and surrounded the
enemy encampment. Well. you know what happened and it is
summarized in judges 7:22. "And the three hundred blew the
EVEN THROUGHOUT ALL THE HOST: and the host fled." So, God turned
the enemy against itself!

Case 2). Jehoshaphat, the virtuous King of Judah, was requested
by Ahab, the King of Is rael, to join him in battle against the
Syrians. In 2nd Chronicles 17:12-19, it is recorded the numbers
of men that Jehoshaphat could place under arms and it was
1,160,000, no small army. Jehoshaphat agreed to join him and when
Ahab consulted the 400 prophets of Baal, they told him to go up
against the Syrians. Jehoshaphat, however, was not satisfied and
wanted to consult a prophet of the Lord. Ahab could produce one
called Micaiah, but he did not like him because his advice was
always adverse, as it was this tame when he forecast defeat. But
the 400 voices carried the day and they engaged the Syrians in
conflict with the result that Ahab was killed by an arrow that
founc the scent of his armour. Jeho shaphat returned to Jerusalem
in peace but he was met by Jehu. 2nd Chron. 10:2-3. "And Jehu,
the son of Hamlin the seer, went out to meet him, and said to
King Jehoshaphat, shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them
that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the
Lord. Nevertheless. there are good things found in thee, in that
thou hast taken away the groves in the land, and last prepared
thine heart to seek God." Well, did the good outweigh the bad?
No, he ignored the advice of Jehu, and conspired with Ahaziah,
the King of Israel, to build a limy to go to Tarshish. The result
is found in 2nd Chron. 20:37. "Then Eliezer the son of Dodavah of
Mareshah. prophesled against Jehoshaphat, saying, Because thou
hast joined thyself with Ahaziah, the Lord hath broken thy works.
And the ships were broken that they were not able to go to
Tarshish." So. even though Jehoshaphat was a righteous king, by
aligning himselt with the ungodly kings of Israel, he suffered
the wrath of God and those enterprises, jointly undertaken,

Case 3). While Jehoshaphat was reigning in Judah, he was forced
to assemble against a formidable host that came against him from
Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir. (There is the Amalekitcs again!) So
Jehoshaphat took the matter to the Lord in prayer and then in
chapter 20, verse 21, it records the following. "And when HE HAD
CONSULTED WITH THE PEOPLE, he appointed singers unto the Lord and
that should praise the beauty of holiness. as they went out
before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord. for His mercy
endureth for ever." The tale is summarized in verses 22-24. "And
when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments
against the children of Ammom, Moab and Mount Seir, which were
come against Judah: and they were smitten. For the children of
Ammom and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir,
utterly to slay and destroy them: and when they had made an end
of the inhabitants of Seir, every one helped to destroy another.
And when Judah came towards the watch tower in the wilderness,
they looked unto the multitude, and behold. they were dead bodies
fallen to the earth, and none escaped." Then, Judah collected the
spoils and riches including precious jewels.

Case 4). The nation Israel pretends it shares the Christian God,
and we have the confirming phrase Judeo-Christian. The first
epistle of John 2:23, "Whosoever denieth the Son hath not the
Father: (but) he that acknowledge the Son hath the Father also."
This nation has denied Jesus Christ since His ministry on earth,
so in Bible terms, they are ungodly.

So, we have our four case studies. Play the role of armchair
quarterbacks, how would you re spond to the following questions'?

1. Should the army of Manasseh remain in Iraq and Afghanistan?
2. Should Manasseh attack Iran for the benefit of Israel?
3. Should we attain victory with a larger army/navy?
4. Should the people be consulted?

If you know the right answers based on the INSTRUCTION contained
in the Bible, why do our leaders remain confounded?

Don Robson writes for

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