When Love is not Enough

Maybe to the shock of thousands of Christians around the world, God and the Bible do NOT say or teach that alcohol per se is SIN!

I have devoted a large in-depth study on my Website (keithhunt.com) to proving that the arguments by well-intended but wrong theology ideas are ill-founded. I go into detail to prove the Scriptures of the Bible do not teach that alcohol in and of itself is sin.

But alcohol CAN be sin! Indeed it is written in the word of the Lord that no drunkard shall enter the Kingdom of God. This is, no person who does not control the use of alcohol, but lives a life of alcohol addiction, who is controlled by it, shall enter the Kingdom of God. An uncontrolled addiction to alcohol is a sin that will prevent you from eternal life. In other words the sin of addiction to alcohol must be put away - must be rooted out of a person's life.

God does NOT condemn the moderate and controlled use of alcohol.

Sin and the person being controlled by sin can take the form of many types of sin. God created sex, the bed (for husband and wife) your Bible says is "undefiled." But the Bible DOES condemn the WRONG use of sex - fornication (sex before marriage) and adultery (sex with someone other than your wife or husband) is sin! If you are addicted to sex in its form of sin, you must put that sin away as being a form of life-style - you have to stop practicing fornication or adultery, if you are to inherit eternal life.

The Bible also relates that other forms of sex are also sins - homosexuality, lesbianism, beastiality, incest, child-abuse in sexual ways, are all sins, that if practiced as a way of life, will keep you out of the Kingdom of God. All such sins must be put away - abandoned.

So it is with those who are controlled by alcohol - commonly known as being alcoholic and/or a regular drunk.

There is help for alcoholics.  I saw the movie when it came to the theaters and I've just bought it on DVD - "When Love Is Not Enough" - as it says on the front cover "An Epic Story Of Devotion, Recovery And Hope."

On the back cover: "The Lois Wilson Story, is based on the true story of the sorely-tested but ultimately enduring love between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon, and her husband Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Together, Lois and Bill Wilson started movements that have helped millions of people around the world. Together, they've given the world a noble and inspiring love story."

Superbly, superbly acted by Winona Ryder and Barry Pepper.

It is a movie that not only brings tears to the eyes, but is inspirational.

It is a movie that makes you praise the Lord that such a couple endured for years, but eventually found the way to overcome the addiction of alcohol, and indeed their organizations have help millions around the world.

Some of you may be right now in the need of help to stop being an alcoholic, or you know someone who needs to put away the control of alcohol over their lives. For the rest of you - well this is a movie you should have in your home library for your entire family. A true life story all your family should see eventually when they are at the age that it will have a lasting effect on them, to never want to be controlled by alcohol.

Make sure you buy this movie.

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